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Created June 27, 2019 00:17
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I am developing this project for the sole purpose of my own enjoyment. I make no promises about release date, features, usability, stability, practicality, or compliance with any normal standards of software development.

In pursuit of my unhindered enjoyment of this project, the only end-user I choose to care about in this project is myself, and maybe a few select friends. The timeline, the features, and the implementation are all solely at my discretion. I reserve the right to make arbitrary decisions, and change them at a moment's notice, without owing anyone an explanation.

If you see something here you like, you're welcome to fork the code under the terms of the LICENSE and do as you wish with it.

If you're still intent on treating this as a viable project, you're welcome to submit issues and pull requests. I may respond, or I may leave it sitting indefinitely. If I ignore your bug report or brilliant contribution until doomsday, don't take it personally.

If you decide to try and use this software, you're taking your sanity into your own hands. As long as it runs on my machine, that is all I care about. It may be unstable, or not support your system. I offer neither warranty nor technical support.

Long story short, I'm just coding for the love of coding!

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