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Last active March 6, 2024 06:03
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Non-Beginner Article

All articles on #beginners should be written for those new to programming, development, networking, or to a particular language. These posts should also require little to no prerequisite knowledge. If you wish, you may rewrite your post to meet these requirements, at which point you may request that the tag be added back. Otherwise, just use the appropriate technology tags. (Read more about the tag rules here.)

Non-Beginner Question

Questions on #beginners are welcome, but should be seeking answers assume no prerequisite knowledge. (Read more about the tag changes here.)

Linkback Only

Articles should not primarily be used for driving traffic to an article on another website. Please post the entire article here on DEV (if you have proper rights). (Read more about the tag rules here.)

Promotional Only

While some "promotional" content is permitted on #beginners (see tag rules), articles should not primarily promote an external work. Please use listings for posts like this. (Read more about the tag rules here.)


#beginners is for either beginner-level questions or tutorials/articles geared towards that audience. Most reading notes, development logs, and other forms of "journaling" are usually a better fit for #devjournal. (Read more about the tag rules here.)

Show Dev

Showing off something you've built belongs in the #showdev tag. #beginners is for either beginner-level questions or tutorials/articles geared towards that audience. (Read more about the tag rules here.)

Contributor Request

Contributor requests should use Listings or #contributorswanted instead. #beginners is for either beginner-level questions or tutorials/articles geared towards that audience. (Read more about the tag rules here.)


#beginners is for either beginner-level questions or tutorials/articles geared towards that audience. (Read more about the tag rules here.)



C++ (#cpp)

I think you were looking for the cpp tag (for C++), not c, which is a different language. Tags don't support non-alphanumeric characters.

C# (#csharp)

I think you were looking for the csharp tag (for C#), not c, which is a different language. Tags don't support non-alphanumeric characters.

OBJECTIVE C (#objectivec)

I think you were looking for the objectivec tag (for Objective C), not c, which is a different language. Tags don't support non-alphanumeric characters.

C++ or C#

I think you were looking for the csharp tag (for C#), or the cpp tag (for C++), not c, which are different languages. Tags don't support non-alphanumeric characters.



We encourage the entire article to be published on (if you have proper rights), with a linkback if appropriate. Otherwise, we recommend original material, such as an original commentary on the article. From the Terms of Use:

Users must make a good-faith effort to share content that is...not designed primarily for the purposes of promotion or creating backlinks. Additionally, posts must contain substantial content — they may not merely reference an external link that contains the full post.

Posts that are simply intended to encourage readers to view an external resource are discouraged.

Thank you.


Posts here on should contain actual substantial content, not just be intended to promote another external work. From the Terms of Use:

Users must make a good-faith effort to share content that is...not designed primarily for the purposes of promotion or creating backlinks. Additionally, posts must contain substantial content — they may not merely reference an external link that contains the full post.

Please use listings for posts like this (see the rules there.)

Thank you.


Posts here on should contain actual substantial content, not just be intended to promote a company or service. From the Terms of Use:

Users must make a good-faith effort to share content that is...not designed primarily for the purposes of promotion or creating backlinks.

Posts that are simply intended as advertisements are discouraged.

However, DEV Listings may be appropriate for this.

Thank you.


Hey there!

Submitting a job offering as an article isn't ideal as folks are generally expecting to read full posts with some actionable info or discourse (i.e. tutorials, editorials, tool lists ,etc).

However, DEV Listings is perfect for this. Consider sharing your sharing job Listings here - and perhaps you'll have better luck. Also, you might want to check out - for potential candidates to reach out to.

Hope this helps!


Please use listings for posts requesting projects or work. Thank you.



OBJECTIVE C (#objectivec)

I think you were looking for the objectivec tag (for Objective C), not cpp (for C++), which is a different language.

C# (#csharp)

I think you were looking for the csharp tag (for C#), not cpp (for C++), which is a different language. (P.S. Tags don't support non-alphanumeric characters.)




Articles and discussions should be related to actual OOP concepts. If it is only related to a language or technology which implements Object-Oriented Programming, use that technology's tag.




Posts which promote an open source project, such as feature lists or announcements, should use the #showdev tag and/or Listings instead. #opensource is specifically for articles about Open Source and Free Software as a philosophy, and its application to software development and project management. (Read more about the tag rules here)


Contributor requests should use Listings or #contributorswanted instead. #opensource is specifically for articles about Open Source and Free Software as a philosophy, and its application to software development and project management. (Read more about the tag rules here)


Tutorials or articles that happen to use open source technology should only use the appropriate technology tags instead. #opensource is specifically for articles about Open Source and Free Software as a philosophy, and its application to software development and project management. (Read more about the tag rules here)


"Roundups" or other lists of open source projects should now use the appropriate technology tags instead, and/or the #githunt tag if appropriate. #opensource is specifically for articles about Open Source and Free Software as a philosophy, and its application to software development and project management. (Read more about the tag rules here)


Showing off something you've built belongs in the #showdev tag. #opensource is specifically for articles about Open Source and Free Software as a philosophy, and its application to software development and project management. (Read more about the tag rules here)


Showing off something you've built belongs in the #showdev tag. Since you're describing your journey to building it, #devjournal may also be a good fit. #opensource is specifically for articles about Open Source and Free Software as a philosophy, and its application to software development and project management. (Read more about the tag rules here)


Sharing interesting repositories you've found belongs on the #githunt tag, or else #showdev if it's your own. #opensource is specifically for articles about Open Source and Free Software as a philosophy, and its application to software development and project management. (Read more about the tag rules here)


#opensource is specifically for articles about Open Source and Free Software as a philosophy, and its application to software development and project management. (Read more about the tag rules here)

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