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Created March 7, 2023 17:05
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
* @title Tribal Lending Pool contract Interface
* @note You will find a term *WAD* reading this documentation. It is an integer representation 1 WAD = 1*10**18.
* for example, 0.2% = 0.002f = 0.002 * 10**18 = 2 * 10**15
interface ILendingPool {
/////////////////////////////// INITIALIZATION //////////////////////////////////
* @dev Called by a proxy contract to initialize the pool.
* @param _owner Address of the smart contract owner (will be able to access administrative functions)
* @param _borrower Address of the pool borrower
* @param _duration The duration of the lending pool in seconds (e.g. 90 days = 90 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 7,776,000)
* @param _targetAmount The target amount of USDC to be deposited by *lenders* (with 6 decimals e.g 1,000,000 = 1 USDC)
* @param _fistLossCapitalAmount The target amount of USDC to be deposited by *borrower* as first loss capital (with 6 decimals e.g 1,000,000 = 1 USDC)
* @param _lenderAPY *wad* Annual Percentage Yield. Total amount to be harvested by *lender* from the pool is:
* principalAmount * _lenderAPY * (_duration / 365days)
* @param _boostableAPY *wad* Boostable Annual Percentage Yield. If set to 0, then the pool is not boostable.
* @param _borrowerAIR *wad* Borrower Interest Rate. Total amount of interest to be repaid by *borrower* is:
* principalAmount * _borrowerAIR * (_duration / 365days)
function initialize(
address _owner,
address _borrower,
uint _duration,
uint _targetAmount,
uint _firstLossCapitalAmount,
uint _lenderAPY,
uint _boostableAPY,
uint _borrowerAIR,
/////////////////////////////// ADMIN FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////
* @dev Pauses all the deposits / withdrawal from the pool
function pause() external void;
* @dev Unpauses all the deposits / withdrawal from the pool
function unpause() external void;
* @dev Sends outstanding pool USDC balance to the address specified
* @param _benificiary where to send the USDC balance
function drain(address _benificiary) external void;
* @dev Boosts APY for the lender
* @param _lender re to send the USDC balance
function boostAPY(address _lender) external void;
/////////////////////////////// CONTRACT STATE VIEWS //////////////////////////////////
function getDuration() public view returns (uint);
function getTargetAmount() public view returns (uint);
function getFirstLossCapitalAmount() public view returns (uint);
function getLenderAPY() public view returns (uint);
function getboostableAPY() public view returns (uint);
function getLenderAPY() public view returns (uint);
function getCreatedAt() public view returns (uint);
function getFundedAt() public view returns (uint);
function getRepaidAt() public view returns (uint);
/////////////////////////////// LENDER FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////
* @dev deposits principal amount to the pool
* @note before depositing anything to the pool, the *lender* should get approval from USDC smart contract
* @param _amount The amount of USDC to be deposited (with 6 decimals e.g 1,000,000 = 1 USDC)
function depositPrincipal(uint _amount) external;
* @dev withdraw the principal amount from the pool
* @note called by *lender* AFTER the pool is repaid OR BEFORE the pool is funded
function withdrawPrincipal() external;
* @dev is APY boosted for address?
* @param _address
* @return isBoosted is APY boosted for address?
function isBoosted(address _address) public view returns(bool isBoosted);
* @dev deposited for _address
* @param _address
* @return amount principal amount
function getPrincipalAmount(address _address) public view returns(amount uint);
* @dev get total yield vested by the pool for _address
* @param _address
* @return amount vested yield
function getVestedYield(address _address) public view returns(uint amount);
* @dev get total amount of yield claimed by _address
* @param _address
* @return the claimed yield
function getClaimedYield(address _address) public view returns(uint amount);
* @dev get total amount of yield claimable by _address.
* equals to getVestedYield(address) - getClaimedYield(address)
* @param _address
function getClaimableYield(address _address) public view returns(uint amount);
/////////////////////////////// BORROWER FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////
* @dev deposit first-loss capital
function depositFirstLoss();
* @dev withdraw first-loss capital
function withdrawFirstLoss();
* @dev borrow first-loss capital
function borrow() external;
* @dev repay the borrowed amount
function repayPrincipal() external;
* @dev pay interest on the borrowed amount
* @param _amount amount of interest to pay in USDC (with 6 decimals precision e.g 1,000,000 = 1 USDC)
function payInterest(uint _amount) external;
* @dev get total interest on the borrowed amount
* @return amount in USDC (with 6 decimals precision e.g 1,000,000 = 1 USDC)
function getTotalInterest() public view returns(uint amount);
* @dev get amount of interest on the borrowed amount that was already paid by the *borrower*
* @return amount in USDC (with 6 decimals precision e.g 1,000,000 = 1 USDC)
function getRepaidInterest() public view returns(uint amount);
* @dev get outstanding (unpaid) interest that *borrower* has to pay on the borrowed amount
* @return amount in USDC (with 6 decimals precision e.g 1,000,000 = 1 USDC)
function getOutstandingInterest() public view returns(uint amount);
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