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Last active December 12, 2019 21:36
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Minimal Naive-Bayes classifier
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
* A minimal Naive-Bayes classifier.
* @param <C>
* Category type.
* @param <A>
* Attribute type.
* @author Matt Coley
public class Bayes<C, A> {
private final Map<C, Map<A, Integer>> attrCountPerCategory = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<A, Integer> attrCount = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<C, Integer> categoryCount = new HashMap<>();
private float pseudoCount = 1.0f;
private float threshold = 0f;
private C fallback;
* @param category
* Category of the attributes collection.
* @param attributes
* The attributes to categorize.
* @param weight
* The training entry weight.
public void train(C category, A[] attributes, int weight) {
// Register attribute counts occurrences overall and per category. -> {
attrCount.merge(attribute, weight, Integer::sum);
attrCountPerCategory.computeIfAbsent(category, c -> new HashMap<>())
.merge(attribute, weight, Integer::sum);
categoryCount.merge(category, weight, Integer::sum);
* @param attributes
* The attributes to categorize.
* @return Most probable category for the attributes. If the difference in probabilities
* between the two most likely options is not greater than the {@link #threshold} then
* {@link #fallback} is returned.
public C classify(A[] attributes) {
if (categoryCount.size() < 2)
throw new IllegalStateException("Must have at least two categories");
if (fallback == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Must specify the fallback classification");
// Map categories to wrappers to hold the category/probability.
// Then sort them (wrappers sorted by probability / natural order)
List<ProbabilityHolder<C, Object>> probabilities = categoryCount.keySet().stream()
.map(category -> new ProbabilityHolder<>(category, probability(attributes, category)))
// Compare the two most likely options
ProbabilityHolder<C, Object> first = probabilities.get(0);
ProbabilityHolder<C, Object> second = probabilities.get(1);
if (first.probability - second.probability > threshold)
return first.category;
// Threshold not met, we're not sure enough to assert a claim, so we return the fallback.
return fallback;
* <pre>P(C|A)</pre>
* @param attributes
* The attributes to use.
* @param category
* The category to check against.
* @return The probability that the given attributes belong to the given category.
private float probability(A[] attributes, C category) {
int categories = categoryCount.keySet().size();
int categoryFreq = categoryCount.getOrDefault(category, 0);
int total = categoryCount.values().stream().reduce(0,(a, b) -> a + b);
float categoryOccurrence = (float) categoryFreq / total;
// Calculate product of all attribute probabilities: P(A..|C)
float probability = 1.0f;
for(A attribute : attributes) {
// Count attribute occurrences
// - Skip if no count for attribute
int count = attrCount.getOrDefault(attribute, 0);
if(count == 0)
// Count attribute occurrences per the given category
// - Probability -> 0: No counts for category
Map<A, Integer> attrCountPerCat = attrCountPerCategory.get(category);
if(attrCountPerCat == null) {
probability = 0;
int categoryCount = attrCountPerCat.getOrDefault(attribute, 0);
// Compute independent probability fot the current attribute
float ratio = (float) categoryCount / count;
probability *= (pseudoCount + count * ratio) / (categories + count);
// Compute: P(A...|C) * P(C)
return probability * categoryOccurrence;
* @param pseudoCount
* The bayesian pseudo-count, see {@link #getPseudoCount()}.
public void setPseudoCount(float pseudoCount) {
this.pseudoCount = pseudoCount;
* Used for small sample correction.
* Additionally prevents any probability from being 0.
* @return Bayesian pseudo-count modifier.
public float getPseudoCount() {
return pseudoCount;
* @param threshold
* The difference threshold, see {@link #getThreshold()}.
public void setThreshold(float threshold) {
this.threshold = threshold;
* The required difference between the most likely and second most likely classification.
* If the difference is less than the threshold, the classification defaults to
* {@link #fallback}.
* @return Difference threshold.
public float getThreshold() {
return threshold;
* @param fallback
* Default/fallback classification, see {@link #getFallback()}.
public void setFallback(C fallback) {
this.fallback = fallback;
* Default classification value if the percent difference ({@link #getThreshold()}) is not met.
* @return Default/fallback classification.
public C getFallback() {
return fallback;
* Wrapper for the category's computed probability.
* @param <C>
* Category type.
* @param <A>
* Attribute type.
private static class ProbabilityHolder<C, A> implements Comparable<ProbabilityHolder<C, A>> {
private static final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##.##%");
private final C category;
private final float probability;
private ProbabilityHolder(C category, float probability) {
this.category = category;
this.probability = probability;
public int compareTo(ProbabilityHolder<C, A> o) {
return, probability);
public String toString() {
return category + " -> " + df.format(probability);
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