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Created April 12, 2010 22:44
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Save ColPanic/364087 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<form name="sform" action="" style="display:inline;">
<label for="item_name">Filter on item name : </label>
<%= text_field_tag("query", params['query'], :size => 10 ) %>
<%= image_tag("spinner.gif",
:align => "absmiddle",
:border => 0,
:id => "spinner",
:style =>"display: none;" ) %>
<%= observe_field 'query', :frequency => 2,:update => 'table',
:before => "'spinner')",
:success => "Element.hide('spinner')",
:url => {:action => 'search'},
:with => 'query' %>
<div id="table">
Gives error:
NoMethodError in Accounts#index
Showing /Users/toddallen/scooter/app/views/accounts/index.html.erb where line #14 raised:
undefined method `observe_field' for #<#<Class:0x2eee088>:0x2eed23c>
Extracted source (around line #14):
11: :style =>"display: none;" ) %>
12: </p>
14: <%= observe_field 'query', :frequency => 2,:update => 'table',
15: :before => "'spinner')",
16: :success => "Element.hide('spinner')",
17: :url => {:action => 'search'},
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