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Created July 16, 2020 11:06
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Google TImeline Data Scrape
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const xpath = require("xpath");
const dom = require("xmldom").DOMParser;
const moment = require("moment");
const namespace = `xmlns=""`;
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const fetchData = (year, month, day) =>
).then(r => r.text());
(async () => {
const start = moment("2020-01-01");
const end = moment("2020-07-15");
for (var m = moment(start); m.isBefore(end); m.add(1, "days")) {
const xml = await fetchData(m.year(), m.month(),;
const xmlStripped = xml.replace(namespace, "");
const doc = new dom().parseFromString(xmlStripped);
const nodes =
".//Placemark[ExtendedData/Data[@name='Distance']/value > 0]",
nodes.forEach(node => {
const type = node.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].toString();
const startTime = node.childNodes[5].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].toString();
const endTime = node.childNodes[5].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].toString();
const duration = moment.duration(moment(endTime).diff(moment(startTime))).asMinutes();
console.log(`${m.year()}-${m.month()+1}-${}, ${type}, ${duration}`);
await sleep(1000);
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