Start a local cluater
sudo KUBELET_FLAGS="--enable-extended-isolation --node-labels=cgroup-cpuset-cpus-isolator=enabled" ./hack/
Build the cpuset isolator image
cd cluster/addons/iso-client/coreaffinity
sudo GOPATH=$GOPATH make docker
Run a test pod and view the effective cpus-allowed
kubectl create -f cluster/addons/iso-client/examples/cpuset-visualizer-0.yaml --validate=false
kubectl get pods -o json | jq ".items[].status.podIP"
Explain the policy implemented by the isolator
Create the RBAC profile and isolator daemonset
kubectl create -f cluster/addons/iso-client/examples --validate=false
kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system
Show advertised opaque integer resources
kubectl get node -o json | jq ".items[0].status.capacity"
Get the pod's IP addresses (two test pods are newly created)
kubectl get pods -o json | jq ".items[].status.podIP"
Open each in a browser