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Connor Griffin ConnorGriffin

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ConnorGriffin /
Last active October 22, 2024 22:38
Automatically update your YNAB 'Home Value' tracking account with Zillow's Zestimate data
function updateYnabHomeZestimate() {
var accessToken = 'YNAB token goes here' // Your YNAB Personal Access Token
var zwsid = 'zwsid goes here' // Your Zillow ZWSID
var budgetName = 'budget name goes here' // The name of your budget
var accountName = 'home value account name goes here' // The name of your home value tracking account
var address = '1657 Notrealaddress Drive, Redding, CA 96001' // Home address
// YNAB API settings
var url = ''
var headers = {
ConnorGriffin /
Last active October 22, 2024 22:38
YNAB Weekly Spending Report - Google Script (Standalone) - Using Totals from Category Groups
// YNAB Weekly Spending Report sending script
function sendYnabReport() {
// Set our options
var accessToken = 'token goes here' // Your YNAB Personal Access Token
var budgetName = "Connor's Budget" // Budget name to use, in case you have multiple budgets
var categories = ['Sports & Wellness', 'Food & Drink', 'Housing'] // Your desired category groups to monitor, in Javascript array syntax
var recipient = '[email protected], [email protected]' // Email recipients, comma separated
// API stuff
var url = ''
ConnorGriffin /
Last active September 25, 2018 00:22
YNAB Weekly Spending Report - Google Script (Standalone) - Using Category Groups instead of Categories
// YNAB Weekly Spending Report sending script
function sendYnabReport() {
// Set our options
var accessToken = 'token goes here' // Your YNAB Personal Access Token
var budgetName = "Connor's Budget" // Budget name to use, in case you have multiple budgets
var categories = ['Sports & Wellness', 'Food & Drink', 'Housing'] // Your desired category groups to monitor, in Javascript array syntax
var recipient = '[email protected], [email protected]' // Email recipients, comma separated
// API stuff
var url = ''
ConnorGriffin / GDrive.Download.ps1
Created September 4, 2018 05:37
Download files from Google Drive, converting to specific MIME types if necessary
# Set the Google Auth parameters. Fill in your RefreshToken, ClientID, and ClientSecret
$params = @{
Uri = ''
Body = @(
"refresh_token=$RefreshToken", # Replace $RefreshToken with your refresh token
"client_id=$ClientID", # Replace $ClientID with your client ID
"client_secret=$ClientSecret", # Replace $ClientSecret with your client secret
) -join '&'
Method = 'Post'
ConnorGriffin / quicktile.cfg
Last active July 23, 2018 07:50
My quicktile.cfg
cfg_schema = 1
ColumnCount = 3
UseWorkarea = True
ModMask = <Mod4>
MovementsWrap = True
C = move-to-center
H = horizontal-maximize
ConnorGriffin / GoogleDrive.SheetExport.ps1
Created July 14, 2018 00:00
Google Sheets Export to PowerShell Object by GID (Sheet Tab ID)
# Set our options
$RefreshToken = ''
$ClientID = ''
$ClientSecret = ''
$spreadsheetId = '' # Get this from the URL:{spreadsheetId}
$sheetId = '' # Get this from gid= in the URL
# Set the Google Auth parameters
$params = @{
Uri = ''
ConnorGriffin /
Last active October 22, 2019 14:24
YNAB Weekly Spending Report - Google Script (Standalone)
// YNAB Weekly Spending Report sending script
function sendYnabReport() {
// Set our options
var accessToken = 'token goes here' // Your YNAB Personal Access Token
var budgetName = "Connor's Budget" // Budget name to use, in case you have multiple budgets
var categories = ['Fast Food', 'Groceries'] // Your desired category names to monitor, in Javascript array syntax
var recipient = '[email protected], [email protected]' // Email recipients, comma separated
var url = ''
var headers = {
ConnorGriffin / Get-SrpUsage.ps1
Last active December 4, 2019 20:44
Get SRP (Salt River Project) power usage per hour using PowerShell
# Set the SRP base url and get yesterday's date in a format that the report expects
$baseUrl = ''
$yesterday = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString('M/d/yyyy')
# Start a session, pull the form data
$r = Invoke-WebRequest $baseUrl -SessionVariable session
# Identify the username/password form
$loginForm = $r.Forms.Where{$_.Fields.Keys -contains 'UserName'}
ConnorGriffin / ConvertFrom-Hsl.ps1
Last active July 26, 2018 18:08
Powershell script to convert HSL to RGB
function ConvertFrom-Hsl {
# Return in ConEmu.xml ABGR hex format
function ToHex ($c) {
ConnorGriffin / ecobeeSmartHomeAway.js
Last active April 27, 2018 21:19
Home Assistant Node-RED Scripts
var homeStatus =
var homeStatusMinutes = Math.floor((msg.payload.timeSinceChangedMs/1000)/60)
var notHome = (homeStatus == "not_home" && homeStatusMinutes >= 10)
var ecobeeStatus = flow.get("ecobeeStatus")
var holdMode =
var climateMode =
var operationMode =
// Set the holdMatch criteria based on whether we're home or not, this is so we don't cancel temp or vacation holds