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Forked from mutiann/
Last active August 15, 2020 11:24
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Stepwise Monotonic Attention
Forked From:
Implementation for
Tips: You may use "hard" for hard inference, or "parallel" for training or
soft inference.
You possibly have to tune the score_bias_init, which, similar to that in Raffel et al., 2017, is determined a priori to
suit the moving speed of the alignments, i.e. speed of speech of your training corpus in TTS cases. So
score_bias_init=3.5, is a good one for our data, but not necessarily for yours, and our experiments find that the
results are sensitive to this bias: When the parameter is deviated from the best value, by, say, a small amount of
0.5, the whole training process may fail. sigmoid_noise=2.0 is enough in our experiments, but if you found that the
resultant alignments are far from binary, adding more noise (or annealing the noise) might be useful. Other
hyperparameters in our experiments simply follow the original Tacotron2 settings, and they work.
class StepwiseMonotonicAttention(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, query_dim, value_dim, attention_dim,
sigmoid_noise=2.0, score_bias_init=3.5,
super(StepwiseMonotonicAttention, self).__init__()
self.query_layer = nn.Linear(query_dim, attention_dim, bias=False),
self.memory_layer = nn.Linear(value_dim, attention_dim, bias=False),
self.v = LinearNorm(attention_dim, 1, bias=True)
self.use_hard_attention = use_hard_attention
self.score_mask_value = 0.0
def set_soft_attention(self):
self.use_hard_attention = False
def set_hard_attention(self):
self.use_hard_attention = True
def monotonic_stepwise_attention(self, p_choose_i, previous_attention, hard_attention):
# p_choose_i, previous_alignments, previous_score: [B, memory_size]
# p_choose_i: probability to keep attended to the last attended entry i
if hard_attention:
# Given that previous_alignments is one_hot
move_next_mask = F.pad(previous_attention[:, :-1]], (1, 0))
stay_prob = torch.sum(p_choose_i * previous_attention, dim=1) # [B, memory_size] -> [B]
attention = torch.where(stay_prob > 0.5, previous_attention, move_next_mask)
attention = previous_attention * p_choose_i + F.pad(previous_attention[:, :-1] * (1.0 - p_choose_i[:, :-1]), (1, 0))
return attention
def _stepwise_monotonic_probability_fn(self, score, previous_alignments, sigmoid_noise, hard_attention):
score: [B, enc_T]
previous_alignments: [B, enc_T]
if sigmoid_noise > 0:
noise = torch.randn(score.shape, device=score.device, dtype=score.dtype)
score += sigmoid_noise * noise
if hard_attention:
# When mode is hard, use a hard sigmoid
p_choose_i = (score > 0.).to(score.dtype)
p_choose_i = score.sigmoid()
alignments = self.monotonic_stepwise_attention(p_choose_i, previous_alignments, hard_attention)
return alignments
def get_alignment_energies(self, query, processed_memory, previous_alignments):
processed = self.query_layer(query.unsqueeze(1)).expand_as(processed_memory) # [B, enc_T, attention_dim]
processed.add_( processed_memory ) # [B, enc_T, attention_dim] # unsqueeze, matmul, expand_as, add_
# add_
score = self.v(torch.tanh( processed )).squeeze(2) # [B, enc_T, attention_dim] -> [B, enc_T]
# tanh, matmul
# [B, enc_T], [B, enc_T] -> [B, enc_T]
alignments = self._stepwise_montonic_probability_fn(score, previous_alignments, sigmoid_noise, self.use_hard_attention)
return alignment
def forward(self, query, memory, processed_memory, previous_alignments,
mask, attention_weights=None)
if attention_weights is None:
alignment = self.get_alignment_energies(
attention_weights, processed_memory, previous_alignments)
if mask is not None:, self.score_mask_value)# [B, enc_T]
attention_weights = alignment # normalise?
attention_context = torch.bmm(attention_weights.unsqueeze(1), memory)# unsqueeze, bmm
# [B, 1, enc_T] @ [B, enc_T, enc_dim] -> [B, 1, enc_dim]
attention_context = attention_context.squeeze(1)# [B, 1, enc_dim] -> [B, enc_dim] # squeeze
return attention_context, attention_weights# [B, enc_dim], [B, enc_T]
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