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Last active August 21, 2020 15:36
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Sources: Node-Hill, BHD and BH itself.

Why is the client so laggy? I have a good computer!

The client is laggy on average systems not because they are powerless but because the engine in which the client is made (Gamemaker studio 8.1) is not designed for 3D games at all. And since the client has to manage both Networking, 3D rendering, and player controls. The client has very low FPS Count.

Due the new client being almost finished it's been deprecreated and it's no longer updated. (+ The new client will be more friendly with average systems).

Why don't shirts/pants load in game?

The shirts and Pants rendering system is glitched rendering them incorrectly. And since the client is deprecreated no fix was going to be implemented.

Pants and shirts will be a feature on the new client.

What is the scripting language of Brick Hill?

Currently, brick hill requires you to self-host a server. The scripting language used is Javascript on the NodeJS enviorment.

NodeJS is a enviorment that lets you run Javascript on the machine without a web browser. And it's used for the server system called node-hill.

node-hill Documentation / Guide:

Note: New client will use Lua instead of javascript. And it will not require you to self-host the game.

How do i host a game?

In order to host a game you need to port-forward and follow the guide on the node-hill site.

Hosting Guide: by Jefemy and Dragonian 👍

Port-forwarding guide: by Edge. 👍

Where can i code my game?

You can use pieces of software called "IDE" which are used for development.

Visual Studio Code IDE:

Atom IDE:

IntelliJ IDEA (Not recommended, Paid):

Need references or premade tools for your game? Use the Open source repository of node-hill:

Discords servers that offer support:

BHD Discord (Brick Hill Developers):

node-hill Discord:

Brick Hill Discord:

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