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DavMorr /
Last active March 5, 2024 13:23
Drupal 8 - use sed to strip uuid line from exported config files

[Drupal 8] use sed (on OSX) to strip the uuid line from exported config files being used for module default configuration; i.e. [module_name]/config/optional|install

NOTE: this can also by bypassed in the export by using Drupal Cnnsole and including the --remove-uuid flag. Also using the --remove-config-hash flag can help prevent additional headaches.

Ex: drupal config:export --directory=”[full-path-to-location]” --tar --remove-uuid --remove-config-hash

The UUID should never be included when using when using these exported config yaml files as the default configuration pagaged with a custom module. This is suppoedly not to be a thing in the exported yaml files at some point, but until then stripping the uuid line out is a manual process which can be a pain as there can be a lot of files.

To automate this, run the following sed command in the directory containing the yaml files:

bdlangton /
Last active October 12, 2023 08:40
Drupal 8 programmatic solutions

Render custom blocks

$bid = 'myblock';
$block = \Drupal\block_content\Entity\BlockContent::load($bid);
$render = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getViewBuilder('block_content')->view($block);

Render plugin blocks

$block_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.block');
oanhnn /
Created May 14, 2017 16:47
How to fix composer error "Content-Length Mismatch"

First, run:

$ composer config --list --global        //this will get the composer home path.
[home] /root/.composer                   //it's my composer home path.

And then, edit the config.json in [home] directory, make it like this:

  "config": {
 "github-protocols": [
pklaus /
Last active February 3, 2023 01:58
Raspberry Pi 3: Arch Linux ARM 64bit to SDcard Script. This is for the Rapsberry Pi 3. For the RPi 2 (or the 3 32bit), see . For the RPi 1, see .
# <>
echo -e "\n\nArch Linux ARM to SD Card"
echo -e "For the Raspberry Pi 3, if you want to use the unofficial arm64 variant."
echo -e "(Otherwise use the Raspberry Pi 2 version of this script!)\n\n"
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
himerus / nodemaker_term_create.php
Created January 21, 2017 11:38
Create a taxonomy term programmatically in Drupal 8.
* @file
* Contains various helper functions.
use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term;

FWIW: I (@rondy) am not the creator of the content shared here, which is an excerpt from Edmond Lau's book. I simply copied and pasted it from another location and saved it as a personal note, before it gained popularity on Unfortunately, I cannot recall the exact origin of the original source, nor was I able to find the author's name, so I am can't provide the appropriate credits.

Effective Engineer - Notes

What's an Effective Engineer?

ankurk91 /
Last active February 25, 2025 19:35
Signing git commits using GPG (Ubuntu/Mac)

Github : Signing commits using GPG (Ubuntu/Mac) 🔐

  • Do you have an Github account ? If not create one.
  • Install required tools
  • Latest Git Client
  • gpg tools
# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install gpa seahorse
# MacOS with
andreeacretu / gist:520b3f5f7ac3cb6433bd
Created February 29, 2016 12:31 — forked from iolaru/gist:05e115096f6e440e5698
Code example provided by user for sending emails with PDF attachments from using Sendgrid API v2
global class SendGrid {
private static final String ENCODING = 'UTF-8';
private static final String API_URL = '';
private transient String username;
private transient String password;
private transient String apikey;
private enum AUTHTYPE {KEY, USER_PASS}
private AUTHTYPE selAuthType;
* @file
* Contains \Drupal\my_module\Plugin\rest\resource\MyRestResource.
namespace Drupal\my_module\Plugin\rest\resource;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountProxyInterface;
jesstelford /
Last active April 4, 2020 17:52
Netflix on Raspberry Pi (incomplete)

Note: as @clibois mentioned below, due to the DRM Netflix uses, all decoding has to be done in CPU, making it somewhat choppy.

Note 2: Even the RPi 3 suffers from these CPU limitations. There is the potentially risky option of overclocking your RPi 3, but I haven't tried this.

If you manage to get smooth playback, please contact me, or post your solution here

UPDATE: I can no longer get this method to work. I have tried using Chromium v47, and v48, and both result in Netflix error "Oops, something went wrong" / C7053-1807, for which I can find no description online. If you manage to get things up and running, please contact me!