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Created September 15, 2020 21:10
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Bible Notify End User Agreement (License)
LICENSE TERMS: This app is provided free of charge and is licensed under the following terms:
1. You may make copies of Bible Notify for yourself and friends, provided that any distribution is 100% free. You must not do anything to suggest to the person to whom it is distributed that Bible Notify is anything other than free software.
2. Bible Notify may NOT be sold or resold, distributed as a part of any commercial package, or used or distributed to support any kind of profit-generating activity, even if it is being distributed freely.
3. You may not disassemble or reverse engineer the Bible Notify app in any way.
4. No warranty of any sort, expressed or implied, is provided in connection with the Bible Notify app, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Any cost, loss or damage of any sort incurred owing to the malfunction or misuse of the app or connected with the app in any other way whatsoever is solely the responsibility of the person who incurred the cost, loss or damage. Furthermore, any illegal use of the app is solely the responsibility of the person committing the illegal act.
By using the Bible Notify app you accept these responsibilities, and give up any right to seek any damages against the creators of Bible Notify in connection with the app.
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