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Last active July 17, 2021 21:10
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Save Cortys/47ec0fe8970c4975148c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Atom Settings Backup by
;; experimental versions of my functions
(defn- wrap-in-tap [code]
(str "(let [value " code
" rr (try (resolve 'requiring-resolve) (catch Throwable _))]"
" (if-let [rs (try (rr 'cognitect.rebl/submit) (catch Throwable _))]"
" (rs '" code " value)"
" (tap> value))"
" value)"))
(defn tap-top-block []
(p/let [block (editor/get-top-block)]
(when (seq (:text block))
(-> block
(update :text wrap-in-tap)
(defn tap-block []
(p/let [block (editor/get-block)]
(when (seq (:text block))
(-> block
(update :text wrap-in-tap)
(defn tap-selection []
(p/let [block (editor/get-selection)]
(when (seq (:text block))
(-> block
(update :text wrap-in-tap)
(defn tap-def-var []
(p/let [block (editor/get-selection)]
(when (seq (:text block))
(-> block
(update :text
#(str "(def " % ")"))
(update :text wrap-in-tap)
(defn tap-var []
(p/let [block (editor/get-var)]
(when (seq (:text block))
(-> block
(update :text #(str "#'" %))
(update :text wrap-in-tap)
(defn tap-ns []
(p/let [block (editor/get-namespace)
here (editor/get-selection)]
(when (seq (:text block))
(-> block
(update :text #(str "(find-ns '" % ")"))
(update :text wrap-in-tap)
(assoc :range (:range here))
(defn tap-remove-ns []
(p/let [block (editor/get-namespace)
here (editor/get-selection)]
(when (seq (:text block))
{:type :info :title "Removing..." :message (:text block)})
(-> block
(update :text #(str "(remove-ns '" % ")"))
(update :text wrap-in-tap)
(assoc :range (:range here))
(defn tap-reload-all-ns []
(p/let [block (editor/get-namespace)
here (editor/get-selection)]
(when (seq (:text block))
{:type :info :title "Reloading all..." :message (:text block)})
(p/let [res (editor/eval-and-render
(-> block
(update :text #(str "(require '" % " :reload-all)"))
(update :text wrap-in-tap)
(assoc :range (:range here))))]
{:type (if (:error res) :warn :info)
:title (if (:error res)
"Reload failed for..."
"Reload succeeded!")
:message (:text block)})))))
(defn- format-test-result [{:keys [test pass fail error]}]
(str "Ran " test " test"
(when-not (= 1 test) "s")
(when-not (zero? pass)
(str ", " pass " assertion"
(when-not (= 1 pass) "s")
" passed"))
(when-not (zero? fail)
(str ", " fail " failed"))
(when-not (zero? error)
(str ", " error " errored"))
(defn tap-run-side-tests []
(p/let [block (editor/get-namespace)
here (editor/get-selection)]
(when (seq (:text block))
(p/let [res (editor/eval-and-render
(-> block
(update :text (fn [s] (str "
(some #(try
(let [nt (symbol (str \"" s "\" \"-\" %))]
(require nt)
(clojure.test/run-tests nt))
(catch Throwable _))
[\"test\" \"expectations\"])")))
(update :text wrap-in-tap)
(assoc :range (:range here))))]
{:type (if (:error res) :warn :info)
:title (if (:error res)
"Failed to run tests for..."
"Tests completed!")
:message (if (:error res) (:text block) (format-test-result (:result res)))})))))
(defn tap-doc-var []
(p/let [block (editor/get-var)]
(when (seq (:text block))
(-> block
(update :text
" (str \"\""
" (-> (str (symbol #'" % "))"
;; clean up ? ! &
" (clojure.string/replace \"?\" \"%3f\")"
" (clojure.string/replace \"!\" \"%21\")"
" (clojure.string/replace \"&\" \"%26\")"
(update :text wrap-in-tap)
(defn tap-javadoc []
(p/let [block (editor/get-selection)
block (if (< 1 (count (:text block))) block (editor/get-var))]
(when (seq (:text block))
(-> block
(update :text
"(let [c-o-o " %
" ^Class c (if (instance? Class c-o-o) c-o-o (class c-o-o))] "
" ( "
" (clojure.string/replace"
" ((requiring-resolve '"
" (.getName c))"
;; strip inner class
" #\"\\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\" \"\""
(update :text wrap-in-tap)
# Applies the function f and then reverts the cursor positions back to their original location
maintainingCursorPosition = (f)->
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
currSelected = editor.getSelectedBufferRanges()
# Cuts the current block of lisp code.
atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor', 'clj-custom:cut-sexp', ->
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'lisp-paredit:up-sexp')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'lisp-paredit:expand-selection')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'core:cut')
# Copies the current block of lisp code.
atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor', 'clj-custom:copy-sexp', ->
maintainingCursorPosition ->
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'lisp-paredit:up-sexp')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'lisp-paredit:expand-selection')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'core:copy')
# Pastes over current block of lisp code.
atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor', 'clj-custom:paste-sexp', ->
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'lisp-paredit:up-sexp')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'lisp-paredit:expand-selection')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'core:paste')
# Deletes the current block of lisp code.
atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor', 'clj-custom:delete-sexp', ->
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'lisp-paredit:up-sexp')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'lisp-paredit:expand-selection')
atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'core:delete')
# Indents the top level sexp.
# atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor', 'clj-custom:indent-top-sexp', ->
# maintainingCursorPosition ->
# editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
# range = protoRepl.EditorUtils.getCursorInClojureTopBlockRange(editor)
# # Work around a lisp paredit bug where it can't indent a range if selected from the very beginning of the file
# start = range.start
# if start.column == 0 && start.row == 0
# start.column = 1
# editor.setSelectedScreenRange(range)
# atom.commands.dispatch(atom.views.getView(editor), 'lisp-paredit:indent')
'ctrl-tab ^ctrl': 'unset!'
'ctrl-tab': 'pane:show-next-item'
'ctrl-shift-tab ^ctrl': 'unset!'
'ctrl-shift-tab': 'pane:show-previous-item'
'alt-up': 'expand-region:expand'
'alt-down': 'expand-region:shrink'
'ctrl-n': 'tree-view:add-file'
'ctrl-k ctrl-k': 'change-case:kebab'
# Clojure:
'enter': 'autocomplete-plus:confirm'
'ctrl-shift-up': 'lisp-paredit:up-sexp'
'ctrl-shift-down': 'lisp-paredit:down-sexp'
'alt-up': 'lisp-paredit:expand-selection'
'alt-down': 'lisp-paredit:contract-selection'
'enter': 'lisp-paredit:newline'
'ctrl-, b': 'chlorine:tap-block'
'ctrl-, B': 'chlorine:tap-top-block'
'ctrl-, c': 'chlorine:break-evaluation'
'ctrl-, d': 'chlorine:doc-for-var'
'ctrl-, D': 'chlorine:tap-def-var'
'ctrl-, e': 'chlorine:disconnect'
'ctrl-, f': 'chlorine:load-file'
'ctrl-, j': 'chlorine:tap-javadoc'
'ctrl-, k': 'chlorine:clear-console'
'ctrl-, K': 'chlorine:clear-inline-results'
'ctrl-, n': 'chlorine:tap-ns'
'ctrl-, R': 'chlorine:tap-remove-ns'
'ctrl-, r': 'chlorine:tap-reload-all-ns'
'ctrl-, s': 'chlorine:tap-selection'
'ctrl-, S': 'chlorine:source-for-var'
'ctrl-, t': 'chlorine:run-test-for-var'
'ctrl-, v': 'chlorine:tap-var'
'ctrl-, x': 'chlorine:run-tests-in-ns'
'ctrl-, X': 'chlorine:tap-run-side-tests'
'ctrl-, y': 'chlorine:connect-socket-repl'
'ctrl-, ?': 'chlorine:tap-doc-var'
'ctrl-, .': 'chlorine:go-to-var-definition'
'ink-console atom-text-editor[data-grammar~="clojure"]':
'enter': 'editor:newline'
# Mac:
'.platform-darwin atom-text-editor':
'ctrl-space' : 'autocomplete-plus:activate'
'cmd-i' : 'atom-beautify:beautify-editor'
'cmd-e' : 'script:run'
'cmd-l' : 'go-to-line:toggle'
'.platform-darwin atom-text-editor[data-grammar~=js]':
'cmd-i': 'linter-eslint:fix-file'
## Clojure:
'.platform-darwin atom-text-editor[data-grammar~="clojure"]':
## Indent the current selection
'cmd-i': 'lisp-paredit:indent'
## Helpers for cutting, copying, pasting, deleting, and indenting a Clojure code
'cmd-shift-x': 'clj-custom:cut-sexp'
'cmd-shift-c': 'clj-custom:copy-sexp'
'cmd-shift-v': 'clj-custom:paste-sexp'
'cmd-shift-d': 'clj-custom:delete-sexp'
'cmd-shift-i': 'clj-custom:indent-top-sexp'
# Linux and Windows:
':not(.platform-darwin) atom-text-editor':
'ctrl-shift-e': 'script:run'
'ctrl-shift-r': 'hydrogen:restart-kernel'
## Clojure:
':not(.platform-darwin) atom-text-editor[data-grammar~="clojure"]':
## Indent the current selection
'ctrl-i': 'lisp-paredit:indent'
## Helpers for cutting, copying, pasting, deleting, and indenting a Clojure code
'ctrl-shift-x': 'clj-custom:cut-sexp'
'ctrl-shift-c': 'clj-custom:copy-sexp'
'ctrl-shift-v': 'clj-custom:paste-sexp'
'ctrl-shift-i': 'clj-custom:indent-top-sexp'
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