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Cory Leigh Rahman CoryLR

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"version" "3"
"title" "GW2 Total Control by CoryOp v1"
"description" "#SettingsController_AutosaveDescription"
"creator" "76561198141443709"
"controller_type" "controller_steamcontroller_gordon"
"id" "0"
#If WinActive("Guild Wars 2")
Send /
Sleep, 2
Send s {enter}
Send /
# Cory Rahman
# This script must be added to an ArcGIS Toolbox (.tbx) in order to run
# Python 2.7.8
print "Initializing...",
import os
import arcpy
from import *
print " Done!"
print "Reading text file and creating Feature Class...",
# Cory Rahman
# This script must be added to an ArcGIS Toolbox (.tbx) in order to run
# Python 2.7.8
import arcpy
import numpy
import os
import Tkinter
import tkFileDialog
# Cory Rahman
# Python 2.7.8
print "Welcome to Cory's CSV to Feature Class converter."
print "Importing modules & loading GUI..."
import arcpy
import numpy
import os
import Tkinter
import tkFileDialog
import csv
# Cory Rahman
# Python 2.7.8
# To use this program, place the entirety of the text to be counted in
# a single .txt file, and target it below under #working files
# module
import csv
from collections import Counter
# working files
#Cory Leigh Rahman
#GEOG469: Python with Dr. Bortolot
#Python 2.7.8
#This program estimates population over a specified number of years,
#then gives you the minimum and maximum ending ending populations over
#a specified number of iterations
#The formula used is as follows:
#starting population + (reproduction rate * starting population) + (death rate * starting population) - number hunted
#Cory Leigh Rahman
#GEOG469: Python with Dr. Bortolot
#Python 2.7.8
#This Python program converts coordinates from Degrees Minutes Seconds to Decimal Degrees and vice versa.
def end():# Class which allows the program to end
print "Thanks for using Cory's Latitude/Longitude Conversion Program! Goodbye."
def startover():# Class which appears at the end of calculation, allowing startover without having to rerun the program