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Created July 29, 2012 16:23
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SublimeLinter configuration
SublimeLinter default settings
Sets the mode in which SublimeLinter runs:
true - Linting occurs in the background as you type (the default).
false - Linting only occurs when you initiate it.
"load-save" - Linting occurs only when a file is loaded and saved.
"sublimelinter": true,
Maps linter names (which should be all lowercase) to executables
for non-built in linters. If the executable is not in the default system path,
or on posix systems is not in /usr/local/bin or ~/bin, then you must specify
the full path to the executable. Note that paths in Windows must use double
backslashes, for example "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\nodejs\\node.exe".
This is the effective default map; your mappings may override these.
"perl": "perl",
"php": "php",
"ruby": "ruby"
Maps syntax names to linters. This allows variations on a syntax
(for example "Python (Django)") to be linted. The key is
the base filename of the .tmLanguage syntax file, and the value
is the linter name (lowercase) the syntax maps to.
"Python Django": "python",
"Ruby on Rails": "ruby"
// An array of linter names to disable. Names should be lowercase.
The minimum delay in seconds (fractional seconds are okay) before
a linter is run when the "sublimelinter" setting is true. This allows
you to have background linting active, but defer the actual linting
until you are idle. When this value is greater than the built in linting delay,
errors are erased when the file is modified, since the assumption is
you don't want to see errors while you type.
"sublimelinter_delay": 3,
// If true, lines with errors or warnings will be filled in with the outline color.
"sublimelinter_fill_outlines": false,
// If true, lines with errors or warnings will have a gutter mark.
"sublimelinter_gutter_marks": true,
// If true, the find next/previous error commands will wrap.
"sublimelinter_wrap_find": true,
// If true, when the file is saved any errors will appear in a popup list
"sublimelinter_popup_errors_on_save": false,
// Javascript linter: "gjslint" to use the closure javascript linter (if available),
// or either "jshint" or "jslint" to use a built in linter.
"javascript_linter": "jslint",
// jshint: options for linting JavaScript. See for more info.
// By default, eval is allowed.
"indent": 1,
"evil": true,
"regexdash": true,
"browser": true,
"wsh": true,
"trailing": true,
"sub": true
// jslint: options for linting JavaScript. See for more info.
// By default, eval is allowed.
// I'm strict like hell!
"adsafe": true,
"bitwise": false,
"browser": true,
"cap": false,
"continue": false,
"css": false,
"debug": true,
"devel": true,
"eqeq": false,
"es5": true,
"evil": false,
"forin": false,
"fragment": false,
"indent": 4,
"maxerr": 50,
"maxlen": 80,
"newcap": false,
"node": false,
"nomen": false,
"on": false,
"passfail": false,
"plusplus": false,
"predef": ["require", "define"],
"regexp": false,
"rhino": false,
"safe": true,
"sloppy" : false,
"stupid": false,
"sub": false,
"todo": true,
"undef": false,
"unparam": true,
"vars": false,
"white": false,
"windows": false
// A list of command line options to send to gjslint. --nobeep is always sent.
// A list of gjslint error numbers to ignore. The list of error codes is here:
110 // line too long
// CSSLint options:
// Each rule can have three values: error|warning|true|false
// false => rule is disabled.
// true => alias to 'error'
// All rules are enabled by default.
// Currently the only difference between warnings and errors is in the prefix of the message in the Sublime status bar.
"adjoining-classes": "warning",
"box-model": true,
"box-sizing": "warning",
"compatible-vendor-prefixes": "warning",
"display-property-grouping": true,
"duplicate-background-images": "warning",
"duplicate-properties": true,
"empty-rules": true,
"errors": true,
"fallback-colors": "warning",
"floats": "warning",
"font-faces": "warning",
"font-sizes": "warning",
"gradients": "warning",
"ids": "warning",
"import": "warning",
"important": "warning",
"known-properties": true,
"outline-none": "warning",
"overqualified-elements": "warning",
"qualified-headings": "warning",
"regex-selectors": "warning",
"rules-count": "warning",
"shorthand": "warning",
"star-property-hack": "warning",
"text-indent": "warning",
"underscore-property-hack": "warning",
"unique-headings": "warning",
"universal-selector": "warning",
"vendor-prefix": true,
"zero-units": "warning"
// Set this to false to turn pep8 checking off completely
"pep8": true,
A list of pep8 error numbers to ignore. By default "line too long" errors are ignored.
The list of error codes is in this file:
Search for "Ennn:", where nnn is a 3-digit number.
If you use SublimeLinter for pyflakes checks, you can ignore some of the "undefined name xxx"
errors (comes in handy if you work with post-processors, globals/builtins available only at runtime, etc.).
You can control what names will be ignored with the user setting "pyflakes_ignore".
Ordinarily pyflakes will issue a warning when 'from foo import *' is used,
but it is ignored since the warning is not that helpful. If you want to see this warning,
set this option to false.
"pyflakes_ignore_import_*": true,
Perl linter: "perl" to use the Perl language syntax check, or "perlcritic" to use Perl::Critic linting.
Perl is now set to use "perlcritic" by default due to a vulnerability with blindly running `perl -c`
on files with `BEGIN` or `CHECK` blocks.
"perl_linter": "perlcritic",
// Objective-J: if true, non-ascii characters are flagged as an error.
"sublimelinter_objj_check_ascii": false,
// Set to true to highlight annotations
"sublimelinter_notes": false,
// The set of annotation phrases to highlight
"annotations": ["TODO", "README", "FIXME"]
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