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Last active August 9, 2024 13:41
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Extract SW SMI handlers information from SMRAM dump of Skylake based AMI Aptio V firmware
Extract SW SMI handlers information from SMRAM dump of Skylake based
AMI Aptio V firmware.
To use full capabilities of this tool you need to install UEFIDump
(, ida-efiutils
( and edit corresponding variables
This tool was tested only with 6 generation Intel NUC firmware.
* SMRAM and SMST address information
* Loaded SMM drivers list
* SMM protocols list
* SMI entry address for each CPU
* SW SMI handlers list
* Root SmiHandlerRegister() handlers list
* Child SmiHandlerRegister() handlers list
$ <SMRAM_dump> [flash_image_dump]
Output example:
Dmytro Oleksiuk
mailto:[email protected]
import sys, os, time, re, shutil
from struct import unpack
SMRAM_SIZE = 0x800000
EFI_SMM_CPU_PROTOCOL_GUID = '\x97\x6B\x34\xEB\x5F\x97\x9F\x4A\x8B\x22\xF8\xE9\x2B\xB3\xD5\x69'
EFIUTILS_PATH = 'ida-efiutils'
# PE format constants
IMAGE_DOS_HEADER_e_lfanew = 0x3c
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64_OptionalHeader = 0x18
IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64_SizeOfInitializedData = 0x08
IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64_AddressOfEntryPoint = 0x10
# helper functions for EFI_GUID
guid_parse = lambda data: unpack('=IHHBBBBBBBB', data)
guid_str = lambda guid: '%.8X-%.4X-%.4X-%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X' % guid
# EFI_GUID values not included into ida-efiutils
GUIDs = {
'SMM_CPU_SYNC_PROTOCOL_GUID': [0xd5950985, 0x8be3, 0x4b1c, 0xb6, 0x3f, 0x95, 0xd1, 0x5a, 0xb3, 0xb6, 0x5f],
'SMM_CPU_SYNC2_PROTOCOL_GUID': [0x9db72e22, 0x9262, 0x4a18, 0x8f, 0xe0, 0x85, 0xe0, 0x3d, 0xfa, 0x96, 0x73],
'EFI_SMM_CPU_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_GUID': [0x1d202cab, 0xc8ab, 0x4d5c, 0x94, 0xf7, 0x3c, 0xfc, 0xc0, 0xd3, 0xd3, 0x35],
'PCH_SPI_PROTOCOL': [0x56521f06, 0x0a62, 0x4822, 0x99, 0x63, 0xdf, 0x01, 0x9d, 0x72, 0xc7, 0xe1],
'PCH_TCO_SMI_DISPATCH_PROTOCOL_GUID': [0x9e71d609, 0x6d24, 0x47fd, 0xb5, 0x72, 0x61, 0x40, 0xf8, 0xd9, 0xc2, 0xa4],
'PCH_PCIE_SMI_DISPATCH_PROTOCOL_GUID': [0x3e7d2b56, 0x3f47, 0x42aa, 0x8f, 0x6b, 0x22, 0xf5, 0x19, 0x81, 0x8d, 0xab],
'PCH_ACPI_SMI_DISPATCH_PROTOCOL_GUID': [0xd52bb262, 0xf022, 0x49ec, 0x86, 0xd2, 0x7a, 0x29, 0x3a, 0x7a, 0x05, 0x4b],
'PCH_GPIO_UNLOCK_SMI_DISPATCH_PROTOCOL_GUID': [0x83339ef7, 0x9392, 0x4716, 0x8d, 0x3a, 0xd1, 0xfc, 0x67, 0xcd, 0x55, 0xdb],
'PCH_SMM_IO_TRAP_CONTROL_PROTOCOL': [0x514d2afd, 0x2096, 0x4283, 0x9d, 0xa6, 0x70, 0x0c, 0xd2, 0x7d, 0xc7, 0xa5],
'PCH_ESPI_SMI_DISPATCH_PROTOCOL_GUID': [0xB3C14FF3, 0xBAE8, 0x456C, 0x86, 0x31, 0x27, 0xFE, 0x0C, 0xEB, 0x34, 0x0C],
'EFI_ACPI_EN_DISPATCH_PROTOCOL_GUID': [0xbd88ec68, 0xebe4, 0x4f7b, 0x93, 0x5a, 0x4f, 0x66, 0x66, 0x42, 0xe7, 0x5f],
'EFI_EC_ACCESS_PROTOCOL_GUID': [0x70eeecbe, 0x727a, 0x4244, 0x90, 0x4c, 0xdb, 0x6b, 0xf0, 0x05, 0x53, 0x92],
'EFI_ACPI_EN_DISPATCH_PROTOCOL_GUID': [0xbd88ec68, 0xebe4, 0x4f7b, 0x93, 0x5a, 0x4f, 0x66, 0x66, 0x42, 0xe7, 0x5f],
'EFI_ACPI_DIS_DISPATCH_PROTOCOL_GUID': [0x9c939ba6, 0x1fcc, 0x46f6, 0xb4, 0xe1, 0x10, 0x2d, 0xbe, 0x18, 0x65, 0x67]
class FwImage(object):
def __init__(self, path = None): = {}
if path is not None:
if os.path.isdir(path): = self.scan_dir(path)
elif os.path.isfile(path): = self.scan_file(path)
def scan_dir(self, path):
ret = {}
for fname in os.listdir(path):
# check for PE image file
m = re.match('Section_PE32_image_\w{8}_\w{4}_\w{4}_\w{4}_\w{12}_(\w+)_body.bin', fname)
if m:
image_name =
if len(image_name) == 0: continue
# read file contents
fpath = os.path.join(path, fname)
fdata = open(fpath, 'rb').read(HEADERS_SIZE)
# use image info as key and image name as value
ret.update([( self.image_info(fdata), image_name )])
return ret
def scan_file(self, path):
dir_name = os.path.dirname(path)
temp_name = 'fw_image_%d' % int(time.time())
temp_path = os.path.join(dir_name, temp_name)
print('[+] Copying "%s" to "%s"...' % (path, temp_path))
# copy firmware image to temporary file
shutil.copyfile(path, temp_path)
print('[+] Unpacking "%s"...\n' % temp_path)
# extract image contents
code = os.system('"%s" "%s"' % (UEFIDUMP_PATH, temp_path))
if code != 0:
print('WARNING: Error while running %s' % UEFIDUMP_PATH)
print('You can download UEFIDump here: %s\n' % UEFIDUMP_URL)
return {}
# scan contents for PE files
dump_path = temp_path + '.dump'
ret = self.scan_dir(dump_path)
# cleanup
return ret
def image_info(self, data):
# read e_lfanew field
offset = unpack('I', data[IMAGE_DOS_HEADER_e_lfanew : \
IMAGE_DOS_HEADER_e_lfanew + 4])[0]
offset += IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64_OptionalHeader
get_field = lambda t, s, o: \
unpack(t, data[offset + o : offset + o + s])[0]
# read optional header fields
return ( get_field('I', 4, IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64_SizeOfCode),
get_field('I', 4, IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64_SizeOfInitializedData),
get_field('I', 4, IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64_AddressOfEntryPoint),
get_field('I', 4, IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64_SizeOfImage) )
def image_name(self, data):
# find image name by image info
try: return[self.image_info(data)]
except KeyError: return None
class GuidDb(object):
def __init__(self, guids = None):
self.guids = {}
import efiguids
except ImportError: pass
import efiguids_ami
except ImportError: pass
if len(self.guids) == 0:
print('Error while loading GUIDs from %s' % EFIUTILS_PATH)
print('You can download ida-efiutils here: %s\n' % EFIUTILS_URL)
if guids is not None: self.load(guids)
def load(self, guids):
_name = lambda n: n[:-5] if n[-5:] == '_GUID' else n
# load GUID's database from ida-efiutils
self.guids.update(map(lambda it: ( guid_str(tuple(it[1])), \
_name(it[0]) ), guids.items()))
def lookup(self, guid):
# get name by GUID
try: return self.guids[guid_str(guid)]
except KeyError: return None
class Dumper(object):
# helper functions for SMRAM dump
in_smram = lambda self, addr: addr >= self.smram and addr < self.smram + SMRAM_SIZE
to_offset = lambda self, addr: addr - self.smram
from_offset = lambda self, offset: offset + self.smram
has_guid = lambda self, addr, guid:[self.to_offset(addr) : \
self.to_offset(addr) + self.image_size(addr)].find(guid) \
!= -1
def __init__(self, smram_dump, fw_image = None): = open(smram_dump, 'rb').read()
# parse firmware image
self.fw = FwImage(fw_image)
# load EFI_GUID database
self.guids = GuidDb(guids = GUIDs)
self.smram = unpack('Q',[0x10 : 0x18])[0] & 0xff400000
print('[+] SMRAM is at 0x%x:%x' % (self.smram, self.smram + SMRAM_SIZE - 1))
# get image base by address inside of it
def image_by_addr(self, addr):
offset = self.to_offset(addr)
ptr = offset & 0xfffffff0
while offset - ptr < 0x100000:
# check for IMAGE_DOS_HEADER signature
if[ptr : ptr + 2] == 'MZ':
return self.from_offset(ptr)
ptr -= 0x10
def image_size(self, addr):
offset = self.to_offset(self.image_by_addr(addr))
# read e_lfanew field
offset += unpack('I',[offset + IMAGE_DOS_HEADER_e_lfanew : \
offset + IMAGE_DOS_HEADER_e_lfanew + 4])[0]
offset += IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64_OptionalHeader + \
# read SizeOfImage field
return unpack('I',[offset : offset + 4])[0]
def image_name(self, addr):
offset = self.to_offset(addr)
return self.fw.image_name([offset : offset + HEADERS_SIZE])
def dump_smst(self):
# check for EFI_SMM_SYSTEM_TABLE signature
ptr ='SMST\0\0\0\0')
if ptr != -1:
print('[+] EFI_SMM_SYSTEM_TABLE2 is at 0x%x' % self.from_offset(ptr))
def dump_images(self):
print('\nLOADED SMM DRIVERS:\n')
ptr = 0
while ptr < len(
# check for DOS image header
if[ptr : ptr + 2] == 'MZ':
# read e_lfanew field
offset = unpack('I',[ptr + IMAGE_DOS_HEADER_e_lfanew : \
ptr + IMAGE_DOS_HEADER_e_lfanew + 4])[0] + ptr
# check for PE image header
if[offset : offset + 2] == 'PE':
addr = self.from_offset(ptr)
name = self.image_name(addr)
_, _, entry, size = self.fw.image_info([ptr : ptr + HEADERS_SIZE])
print('0x%x: size = 0x%.8x, ep = 0x%x %24s' % \
(addr, size, self.from_offset(ptr + entry), \
'' if name is None else name))
ptr += 0x100
def dump_smi_entries(self):
print('\nSMI ENTRIES:\n')
# Standard SMI entry stub signature
ptr, num = 0, 0
sig = [ '\xBB', None, '\x80', # mov bx, 80XXh
'\x66', '\x2E', '\xA1', None, '\xFB', # mov eax, cs:dword_FBXX
'\x66', None, None, # mov edx, eax
'\x66', None, None ] # mov ebp, eax
while ptr < len(
found = True
for i in range(len(sig)):
# check for signature at each 100h offset of SMRAM
if sig[i] is not None and sig[i] !=[ptr + i]:
found = False
if found:
print('CPU %d: 0x%x' % (num, self.from_offset(ptr)))
num += 1
ptr += 0x100
def dump_protocols(self):
first_entry, ptr = None, 0
parse = lambda offset: unpack('QQ16sQ',[offset : offset + 0x28])
while ptr < SMRAM_SIZE - 0x100:
# check for 'prte' signature
if[ptr : ptr + 4] == 'prte':
flink, blink, guid, info = parse(ptr + 8)
# check for valid protocol structure
if self.in_smram(flink) and self.in_smram(blink) and self.in_smram(info):
print('\n[+] Found prte structure at offset 0x%x' % ptr)
first_entry = ptr
ptr += 8
if first_entry is None:
print('\nERROR: Unable to find prte entry')
return -1
print('\nSMM PROTOCOLS:\n')
entry = first_entry
# iterate double linked list
while True:
flink, blink, guid, info = parse(entry + 8)
# check for valid protocol structure
if not self.in_smram(flink) or not self.in_smram(blink):
print('ERROR: Invalid prte entry at 0x%x' % entry)
return -1
# check for protocol information
if self.in_smram(info):
# get protocol information
offset = self.to_offset(info)
tmp_1, tmp_2, tmp_3, addr = unpack('QQQQ',[offset : offset + 0x20])
if self.in_smram(tmp_1) and self.in_smram(tmp_2) and \
self.in_smram(tmp_3) and self.in_smram(addr):
guid = guid_parse(guid)
name = self.guids.lookup(guid)
# get image information
image = self.image_by_addr(addr)
image_name = self.image_name(image)
image_name = image_name if image_name is not None else '0x%X' % image
print('0x%x: addr = 0x%x, image = %24s %s' % \
(self.from_offset(entry), addr, image_name,
guid_str(guid) if name is None else name))
entry = self.to_offset(flink) - 8
if entry == first_entry: break
def dump_sw_smi_handlers(self):
first_entry, ptr = None, 0
parse = lambda offset: unpack('QQ104sQQQ',[offset : offset + 0x90])
while ptr < SMRAM_SIZE - 0x100:
# check for 'DBRC' signature
if[ptr : ptr + 4] == 'DBRC':
flink, blink, _, _, func, smi = parse(ptr + 8)
# check for valid EFI_LIST_ENTRY and SW SMI handler
if self.in_smram(flink) and self.in_smram(blink) and self.in_smram(func) and \
smi >= 0 and smi <= 255:
print('\n[+] Found DBRC structure at offset 0x%x' % ptr)
first_entry = ptr
ptr += 8
if first_entry is None:
print('\nERROR: Unable to find DBRC entry')
return -1
print('\nSW SMI HANDLERS:\n')
entry = first_entry
# iterate double linked list
while True:
flink, blink, _, unk, func, smi = parse(entry + 8)
# check for valid EFI_LIST_ENTRY
if not self.in_smram(flink) or not self.in_smram(blink):
print('ERROR: Invalid DBRC entry at 0x%x' % entry)
return -1
# check for SW SMI handler information
if unk == 0x504 and self.in_smram(func) and smi >= 0 and smi <= 255:
# get image information
image = self.image_by_addr(func)
image_name = self.image_name(image)
uses_cpu_prot = self.has_guid(image, EFI_SMM_CPU_PROTOCOL_GUID)
print('0x%x: SMI = 0x%.2x, addr = 0x%x, image = %24s %s' % \
(self.from_offset(entry), smi, func, \
image_name if image_name is not None else '0x%x' % image, \
'*' if uses_cpu_prot else ''))
entry = self.to_offset(flink) - 8
if entry == first_entry: break
def _dump_handlers(self, head):
parse = lambda offset: unpack('QQQ',[offset : offset + 0x18])
entry = head
while True:
flink, blink, func = parse(entry + 8)
if[entry : entry + 4] == 'smih':
image = self.image_by_addr(func)
image_name = self.image_name(image)
print('0x%x: addr = 0x%x, image = %s' % \
(self.from_offset(entry), func, \
image_name if image_name is not None else '0x%x' % image))
entry = self.to_offset(flink) - 8
if entry == head: break
def dump_smi_handlers(self):
first_entry, ptr = None, 0
parse = lambda offset: unpack('QQ16sQQ',[offset : offset + 0x30])
while ptr < SMRAM_SIZE - 0x100:
# check for 'smie' signature
if[ptr : ptr + 4] == 'smie':
flink, blink, guid, h_flink, h_blink = parse(ptr + 8)
# check for valid EFI_LIST_ENTRY
if self.in_smram(flink) and self.in_smram(blink) and \
self.in_smram(h_flink) and self.in_smram(h_blink):
print('\n[+] Found smie structure at offset 0x%x' % ptr)
first_entry = ptr
ptr += 8
if first_entry is None:
print('\nERROR: Unable to find smie entry')
return -1
print('\nSMI HANDLERS:\n')
entry = first_entry
# iterate double linked list
while True:
flink, blink, guid, h_flink, h_blink = parse(entry + 8)
# check for valid EFI_LIST_ENTRY
if not self.in_smram(flink) or not self.in_smram(blink):
print('ERROR: Invalid smie entry at 0x%x' % entry)
return -1
if[entry : entry + 4] == 'smie' and \
self.in_smram(h_flink) and self.in_smram(h_blink):
guid = guid_parse(guid)
name = self.guids.lookup(guid)
print('0x%x: guid = %s' % (self.from_offset(entry), \
guid_str(guid) if name is None else name))
self._dump_handlers(entry + 0x20)
entry = self.to_offset(flink) - 8
if entry == first_entry: break
def dump_root_smi_handlers(self):
first_entry, ptr = None, 0
parse = lambda offset: unpack('QQQQ',[offset : offset + 0x20])
while ptr < SMRAM_SIZE - 0x100:
# check for 'smie' signature
if[ptr : ptr + 4] == 'smih':
flink, blink, func, entry = parse(ptr + 8)
# check for valid EFI_LIST_ENTRY
if self.in_smram(flink) and self.in_smram(blink) and \
self.in_smram(func) and entry == 0:
print('\n[+] Found smih structure of root SMI handler at offset 0x%x' % ptr)
first_entry = ptr
ptr += 8
if first_entry is None:
print('\nERROR: Unable to find smih entry')
return -1
print('\nROOT SMI HANDLERS:\n')
def main():
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
print('USAGE: <SMRAM_dump> [flash_image_dump]')
return 0
d = Dumper(sys.argv[1], \
sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else None)
# show SMI entries information
# show loaded images information
# show SMM protocols information
# show SMI handlers information
print('\n * - SW SMI handler uses ReadSaveState()/WriteSaveState()\n')
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
# EoF
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