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Last active December 23, 2020 20:42
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Example use of Get-CovidProtectionLevelFromPostCode.ps1
$data = Import-Csv "PupilsByPrimaryAddress.csv"
$uniqueUkPostCode = $data |? {$_.txtCountry -eq "United Kingdom"} |% {$_.txtPostCode} | Sort-Object -Unique |? {$_ -ne ''}
$uniqueUkPostCode |
ForEach-Object -Begin {
$total = $uniqueUkPostCode.count
$i = 0
$dict = @{}
} -Process {
$dict.Add($_, (.\Get-CoronovirusGovData.ps1 $_))
Write-Warning "Problem with: $_"
Write-Progress -Activity "Resolve Covid-19 Resction Tier, MSOA and Local Authority" -Status "Progress: $i of $total" -PercentComplete ($i/$total*100)
} -End {
$localAuthority = @{ Name = "localAuthority"; Expression= { $dict[$_.PostCode].localAuthority }}
$msoa = @{ Name = "msoa"; Expression= { $dict[$_.PostCode].msoa }}
$covidTier = @{ Name = "covidTier"; Expression= { $dict[$_.PostCode].covidTier |% {if($_){$_}else{'-'}} }}
$withAdditionalData = $data | Select -Property *, $localAuthority, $msoa, $covidTier
$withAdditionalData | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation "ExampleWithCovidLevel.csv"
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