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Created July 20, 2015 20:18
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Using multipart/form-data with Power Query. This assumes that any files being uploaded are textual; changing this to support arbitrary binary data is possible, but wasn't interesting to me.
Web.MultiPartPost = (url as text, parts as record) as binary =>
unique = Text.NewGuid(),
boundary = "--" & unique,
crlf = "#(cr)#(lf)",
item = (name, value) =>
filename = Value.Metadata(value)[name]?,
contentType = Value.Metadata(value)[type]?,
line1 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""" & name & """" &
(if filename = null then "" else "; filename=""" & filename & """"),
line2 = if contentType = null then {} else { "Content-Type: " & contentType },
lines = { boundary, line1 } & line2 & { "", value }
Text.Combine(lines, crlf) & crlf,
body = Text.Combine(List.Transform(Record.FieldNames(parts), each item(_, Record.Field(parts, _)))) & boundary & "--" & crlf
Web.Contents(url, [
Headers=[#"Content-Type"="multipart/form-data; boundary=" & unique],
fileContents =
"{""code"": ""15315""}
{""code"": ""526133""}
{""code"": ""43011""}
{""code"": ""83988""}
{""code"": ""182347""}",
parts = [
id = "c9c43e63-9372-441c-9ab7-c5e66d7da371",
file = fileContents meta [name="upload.txt", type="text/plain"],
locale = "en-US"
Result = Web.MultiPartPost("", parts)
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This script really educates me thank you! Since I am new to Power Query I wonder if fileContents part can be omitted? If my text file contains hundreds of rows would I need to list it all line by line? Thank you for your advice :)

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satputeamol commented Feb 26, 2020

Can you please explain, how to call a post service in power BI using power query mentioned in image?

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What is the purpose of creating filecontents when we are passing the file? should it not pick data from the file?

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What is the purpose of creating filecontents when we are passing the file? should it not pick data from the file?

You could get the contents any way you wanted -- File.Contents, AzureStorage.BlobContents, etc.

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