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Created March 6, 2018 23:26
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RowExpression.From as JSON
Value.FixType = (value, optional depth) =>
nextDepth = if depth = null then 3 else depth - 1,
result = if depth = 0 then null
else if value is type then TextType(value)
else if value is table then Table.TransformColumns(value, {}, @Value.FixType)
else if value is list then List.Transform(value, each @Value.FixType(_, nextDepth))
else if value is record then
Record.FromList(List.Transform(Record.ToList(value), each @Value.FixType(_, nextDepth)), Record.FieldNames(value))
else if value is function then "<function>"
else value
TextType = (t as type) as text =>
nonNullableType = Type.NonNullable(t),
TypeDescription = if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type binary) then "binary"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type date) then "date"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type datetime) then "datetime"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type datetimezone) then "datetimezone"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type duration) then "duration"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type function) then "function"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type list) then "list"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type logical) then "logical"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type none) then "none"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type null) then "null"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type number) then "number"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type record) then "record"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type table) then "table"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type text) then "text"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type time) then "time"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type type) then "type"
else if Type.Is(nonNullableType, type action) then "action"
else if Type.Is(type anynonnull, nonNullableType) then "any"
else error "Unknown type",
TypeString = if TypeDescription = "any" then
if Type.IsNullable(t) then
"any" else "anynonnull"
else if Type.IsNullable(t) then
"nullable " & TypeDescription
else TypeDescription
FunctionSignature = (functionType as type) =>
Parameters = Record.ToTable(Type.FunctionParameters(functionType)), // Name, Value
WithIndex = Table.AddIndexColumn(Parameters, "Required"),
MinParameters = Type.FunctionRequiredParameters(functionType),
WithRequired = Table.TransformColumns(WithIndex, {{"Required", (index) => index < MinParameters}}),
WithNullable = Table.AddColumn(WithRequired, "Nullable", each Type.IsNullable([Value])),
WithMetadata = Table.AddColumn(WithNullable, "Metadata", each Value.Metadata([Value])),
WithDocumentation = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(WithMetadata, "Metadata",
{"Documentation.FieldCaption", "Documentation.FieldDescription", "Documentation.SampleValues", "Documentation.AllowedValues", "Documentation.DefaultValue"},
{"fieldCaption", "fieldDescription", "sampleValues", "allowedValue", "defaultValue"}),
// TODO: Add documentation to the allowed values
Renamed = Table.RenameColumns(WithDocumentation,
{"Name", "name"},
{"Value", "parameterType"},
{"Required", "isRequired"},
{"Nullable", "isNullable"}
Value.ToJsonText = (x) => Text.FromBinary(Json.FromValue(Value.FixType(x, 10))),
Result = Value.ToJsonText(RowExpression.From(() => 1))
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