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Created May 27, 2024 07:03
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d6 Legends Roller macro
(async () => {
// Prompt the user for the number of dice
let diceRoll = new Dialog({
title: "Dice Roll",
content: `<p>Enter the number of dice:</p><input type="number" id="numDice" value="1" min="1">`,
buttons: {
roll: {
label: "Roll",
callback: async (html) => {
try {
// Retrieve the number of dice from the input
let numDice = parseInt(html.find("#numDice").val());
// Roll the specified number of d6 minus 1
let roll = new Roll(`${numDice - 1}d6`);
await roll.evaluate({async: true});
let tasks = [];
if (game.dice3d) {
tasks.push(game.dice3d.showForRoll(roll, game.user, true));
// Count the number of successes
let diceResults = roll.dice[0].results;
let successes = diceResults.filter(die => die.result > 3).length;
// Report the results of the initial roll
let messageContent = `<p>Rolled ${numDice - 1}d6: ${ => die.result).join(', ')}</p>`;
messageContent += `<p>Initial Successes: ${successes}</p>`;
// Roll the Wild Die
let wildDieRoll = new Roll(`1d6`);
await wildDieRoll.evaluate({async: true});
if (game.dice3d) {
tasks.push(game.dice3d.showForRoll(wildDieRoll, game.user, true));
let wildDieResult = wildDieRoll.dice[0].results[0].result;
messageContent += `<p>Wild Die: ${wildDieResult}</p>`;
// Check the result of the Wild Die
if (wildDieResult > 3) {
successes += 1;
messageContent += `<p>Wild Die Success! Total Successes: ${successes}</p>`;
// Roll again if the Wild Die is 6
while (wildDieResult === 6) {
wildDieRoll = new Roll(`1d6`);
await wildDieRoll.evaluate({async: true});
if (game.dice3d) {
tasks.push(game.dice3d.showForRoll(wildDieRoll, game.user, true));
wildDieResult = wildDieRoll.dice[0].results[0].result;
messageContent += `<p>Wild Die Reroll: ${wildDieResult}</p>`;
if (wildDieResult > 3) {
successes += 1;
messageContent += `<p>Additional Wild Die Success! Total Successes: ${successes}</p>`;
// Report the final number of successes
messageContent += `<p>Final Successes: ${successes}</p>`;
await Promise.all(tasks);
// Send the results to chat
content: messageContent
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error during dice roll:", error);
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