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Created July 21, 2022 18:32
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# NOTE: We use bash for better readability and error handling here
# but it's not hard to make it work with regular shell
set -euo pipefail
# Path to file used to communicate from restart script
readonly restart_flag='.restart_flag'
# How long (in seconds) to wait before restarting
readonly restart_delay=10
# Whether to restart on crash or not
# The `settings.restart-on-crash` setting in spigot.yml doesn't always work
# but also sometimes server might not return proper exit code,
# so it's best to keep both options enabled
# Accepted values: y/yes/true/n/no/false
readonly restart_on_crash='yes'
# The name of your server jar
readonly server_jar='purpu*.jar'
# What will be passed to `-Xms` and `-Xmx`
readonly heap_size='5G'
# JVM startup flags, one per line for better readability
# NOTE: -Xms and -Xmx are set separately
# These are mostly "Aikar flags"
# taken from:
readonly jvm_flags=(
# Minecraft args you might want to start your server with
# Usually there isn't much to configure here:
readonly mc_args=(
--nogui # Start the server without GUI
should_restart_on_crash() {
case "${restart_on_crash,,}" in
y|yes|true) return 0;;
n|no|false) return 1;;
printf 'ERROR: Invalid value for "restart_on_crash" variable: %s\n' "${restart_on_crash}" >&2
exit 1
# The arguments that will be passed to java:
readonly java_args=(
-Xms512M # Set heap min size
-Xmx"${heap_size}" # Set heap max size
"${jvm_flags[@]}" # Use jvm flags specified above
-jar "${server_jar}" # Run the server
"${mc_args[@]}" # And pass it these settings
# Remove restart flag, if it exists,
# so that we won't restart the server after first stop,
# unless restart script was called
rm "${restart_flag}" &>/dev/null || true
# Check if `restart_on_crash` has valid value
should_restart_on_crash || true
while :; do # Loop infinitely
# Run server
java "${java_args[@]}" || {
# Oops, server didn't exit gracefully
printf 'Detected server crash (exit code: %s)\n' "${?}" >&2
# Check if we should restart on crash or not
if should_restart_on_crash; then
touch "${restart_flag}"
# Check if restart file exists or exit
if [ -e "${restart_flag}" ]; then
# The flag exists - try to remove it
rm "${restart_flag}" || {
# If we can't remove it (permissions?), then exit to avoid endless restart loop
printf 'Error removing restart flag (exit code: %s) - cowardly exiting\n' "${?}" >&2
exit 1
break # Flag doesn't exist, so break out of the loop
printf 'Restarting server in 10 seconds, press Ctrl+C to abort.\n' >&2
sleep "${restart_delay}" || break # Exit if sleep is interrupted (for example Ctrl+C)
printf 'Server stopped\n' >&2
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