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Created May 5, 2009 13:46
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Feature: Manage love lines
In order to manage the love lines of the Love Coach
As a registered user
I want to be able to create, edit and remove love lines
Given I have at least one skin color
And I have at least one hair color
And I have at least one eye color
And I have at least one line type
And I have at least one tag
Scenario: Love lines list
Given I have love lines titled Hello, Howdy
When I go to the list of love lines
Then I should see "Hello"
And I should see "Howdy"
Scenario: Create love line
Given I have no love lines
And I go to the list of love lines
When I follow "New love line"
And I fill in "Header" with "Pickup"
And I fill in "Body" with "Dummy"
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Your love line has been successfully created."
And I should see "Pickup"
And I should have 1 love lines
Scenario: Remove love line
Given I have love lines titled Hello, Howdy
When I go to the list of love lines
And I follow "remove"
Then I should see "Your love line has been successfully removed."
And I should have 1 love lines
Scenario: Show love line details
Given I have love lines titled Hello
And I go to the list of love lines
When I follow "show"
Then I should see "Hello"
And I should see "How are you doing?"
And I should see "Back to the list"
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