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Created July 7, 2016 17:32
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Pull data from the ThousandEyes API and push to Datadog
apiVersion = 'v5'
apiURL = ''
urlBase = apiURL + '/' + apiVersion + '/'
logLevel = 3
requestCount = 0
uploadLimit = 10000
import json, base64, requests, urllib3, time, datetime, sys, threading
from sys import setrecursionlimit
me = threading.currentThread()
# switching from default ASCII encoding to UTF8
def _printDebugMessage(debugLevel, debugMessage):
if debugLevel == 'debug':
intLogLevel = 4
elif debugLevel == 'info':
intLogLevel = 3
elif debugLevel == 'warn':
intLogLevel = 2
elif debugLevel == 'error':
intLogLevel = 1
debugLevel = 'unset'
intLogLevel = 4
if logLevel >= intLogLevel:
debugTime =
dateStamp = debugTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print dateStamp + ' (' + debugLevel + ') ' + debugMessage
if debugLevel == 'error':
def getElapsedTime(t1,t2):
if t1 > t2:
#reverse the order if t1 is bigger
hours,remainder = divmod((t2-t1).seconds, 3600)
minutes,seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
return str(hours) +'h ' + str(minutes) + 'm ' + str(seconds) + 's'
def _getRequestHeaders(theUser, thePass):
if theUser <> '' and thePass <> '':
authorization = base64.b64encode(theUser + ':' + thePass)
headers = {'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + authorization}
return headers
_printDebugMessage('error', 'Username/password must be specified.')
def _makeGetRequest(requestURI, theUser, thePass):
global requestCount
requestCount += 1
_printDebugMessage('info', '(#' + str(requestCount) + ') Requesting GET data ' + requestURI)
requestHeaders = _getRequestHeaders(theUser, thePass)
if requestHeaders <> '':
teResponse = requests.get(requestURI, headers=requestHeaders)
if teResponse.status_code == 429: #429 means "too many requests"
for power in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
'429 Too Many Requests received. Sleeping for ' + str(2 ** power) + ' minutes.')
time.sleep(60 * 2 ^ power)
_printDebugMessage('info', '(#' + str(requestCount) + ') Requesting data ' + requestURI)
teResponse = requests.get(requestURI, headers=requestHeaders)
if teResponse.status_code == 200:
elif teResponse.status_code <> 429:
_printDebugMessage('error', 'Non-429 response received after a sleep. Exiting. ')
jsonResponse = json.loads(teResponse.content)
_printDebugMessage('error', 'Empty headers: ' + teResponse.headers)
jsonResponse = ''
return jsonResponse
def _makePostRequest(requestURI, postData, expectedStatusCode, theUser, thePass):
global requestCount
requestCount += 1
_printDebugMessage('info', '(#' + str(requestCount) + ') Sending POST data ' + requestURI)
requestHeaders = _getRequestHeaders(theUser, thePass)
if requestHeaders <> '':
teResponse =, headers=requestHeaders, data=json.dumps(postData))
if _getContentType(teResponse, expectedStatusCode) == 'json':
if teResponse.content == '': #this is done to handle empty content teResponse that cannot be used with json.load(teReponse.content)
return ''
jsonResponse = json.loads(teResponse.content)
return jsonResponse
_printDebugMessage('error','POST request came back empty, or in currently unsupported format: ' + requestURI)
_printDebugMessage('error', 'Empty headers: ' + teResponse.headers)
def _getContentType(responseObject, expectedStatusCode):
if (responseObject.status_code == expectedStatusCode):
if responseObject.headers['content-type'].split(';')[0] == 'application/json':
return 'json'
_printDebugMessage('warn', 'Unexpected format returned: XML')
return ''
jsonResponse = json.loads(responseObject.content)
_printDebugMessage('warn', 'Unexpected status code returned: ' + str(responseObject.status_code) + ' ' + jsonResponse['errorMessage'])
return ''
def countPoints(theData, elementToCount):
_printDebugMessage('debug', 'Validating result count for dataDog upload...')
resultCount = 0
_printDebugMessage('debug', 'Data has ' + str(len(theData.keys())) + ' tests.')
for test in theData.keys():
testResultCount = 0
_printDebugMessage('debug', 'Test ' + test + ' has ' + str(len(theData[test].keys())) + ' metric series.')
for metric in theData[test].keys():
if metric == elementToCount:
_printDebugMessage('debug', 'Metric ' + metric + ' has ' + str(len(theData[test][metric].keys())) + ' agent series.')
for agent in theData[test][metric].keys():
_printDebugMessage('debug', 'Agent ' + agent + ' has ' + str(len(theData[test][metric][agent])) + ' datapoints.')
testResultCount += len(theData[test][metric][agent]);
resultCount += testResultCount
_printDebugMessage('debug', 'Test ' + test + ' has ' + str(testResultCount) + ' datapoints. (' + str(resultCount) + ' total)')
_printDebugMessage('debug', 'Data series upload has ' + str(resultCount) + ' datapoints.')
return resultCount
def _dataDogUploadSeries(theData, appKey, apiKey, resultCount):
#print '=========================='
#_printDebugMessage('error','Dumping data: ' + json.dumps(theData))
#print '=========================='
from datadog import initialize, api
options = {
'api_key': apiKey,
'app_key': appKey
_printDebugMessage('info', 'Uploading data for tag [' + str(theData[0]['tags'][1]) + '] to DataDog (' + str(resultCount) + ' dataPoints)...')
_printDebugMessage('error', json.dumps(theData))
ddApiResponse = api.Metric.send(theData)
_printDebugMessage('info', 'DataDog upload is complete....')
if ddApiResponse['status'] == 'ok':
return 1
_printDebugMessage('error','Errors were received when uploading DD metrics')
def _getPrimaryTestMetrics(testType):
#make a call, get primary metrics
if testType == 'http-server':
metricsList = ['redirectTime','dnsTime','connectTime','waitTime','receiveTime','responseTime','fetchTime']
elif testType == 'page-load':
metricsList = ['domLoadTime','pageLoadTime']
elif testType == 'transactions':
metricsList = ['stepsCompleted','totalSteps','transactionTime']
elif testType == 'network':
metricsList = ['loss','avgLatency','jitter']
elif testType == 'agent-to-server':
metricsList = ['loss','avgLatency','jitter']
elif testType == 'agent-to-agent':
metricsList = ['loss','avgLatency','jitter']
elif testType == 'bgp':
metricsList = ['reachability','updates','pathChanges']
elif testType == 'dns-server':
metricsList = ['resolutionTime']
elif testType == 'dns-trace':
metricsList = ['queries','finalQueryTime']
elif testType == 'dnssec':
metricsList = ['valid']
metricsList = []
return metricsList
def _getEndpointForTest(testId, apiUser, apiPass):
testDetails = _makeGetRequest(urlBase + 'tests/' + str(testId), apiUser, apiPass)
testType = testDetails['test'][0]['type']
metricsList = _getPrimaryTestMetrics(testType)
if testType == 'http-server':
endpoint = 'web/http-server/'
dataElements = ['web','httpServer']
dataSource = 'agent'
elif testType == 'page-load':
endpoint = 'web/page-load/'
dataElements = ['web','pageLoad']
dataSource = 'agent'
elif testType == 'transactions':
endpoint = 'web/transactions/'
dataElements = ['web','transaction']
dataSource = 'agent'
elif testType == 'network':
endpoint = 'net/metrics/'
dataElements = ['net','metrics']
dataSource = 'agent'
elif testType == 'agent-to-server':
endpoint = 'net/metrics/'
dataElements = ['net','metrics']
dataSource = 'agent'
elif testType == 'agent-to-agent':
endpoint = 'net/metrics/'
dataElements = ['net','metrics']
dataSource = 'agent'
elif testType == 'bgp':
endpoint = 'net/bgp-metrics/'
dataElements = ['net','bgpMetrics']
dataSource = 'monitor'
elif testType == 'dns-server':
endpoint = 'dns/server/'
dataElements = ['dns','server']
dataSource = 'agent'
elif testType == 'dns-trace':
endpoint = 'dns/trace/'
dataElements = ['dns','trace']
dataSource = 'agent'
elif testType == 'dnssec':
endpoint = 'dns/dnssec/'
dataElements = ['dns','dnssec']
dataSource = 'agent'
endpoint = []
dataElements = []
endpointData = dict()
endpointData['endpoint'] = endpoint
endpointData['metricsList'] = metricsList
endpointData['dataElements'] = dataElements
endpointData['dataSource'] = dataSource
return endpointData
def getAgentIPList(onlyAgentsOnTests, apiUser, apiPass):
responseData = _makeGetRequest(urlBase + '/agents' , apiUser, apiPass)
agentList = responseData['agents']
for agent in agentList:
addressString = ''
if agent['agentType'] == 'Enterprise Cluster':
for clusterMember in agent['clusterMembers']:
if 'publicIpAddresses' in agent.keys():
for address in agent['publicIpAddresses']:
if address not in addressString:
if addressString <> '':
addressString += ',' + address
addressString += address
for address in agent['ipAddresses']:
if address not in addressString:
if addressString <> '':
addressString += ',' + address
addressString += address
if 'publicIpAddresses' in agent.keys():
for address in agent['publicIpAddresses']:
if address not in addressString:
if addressString <> '':
addressString += ',' + address
addressString += address
for address in agent['ipAddresses']:
if address not in addressString:
if addressString <> '':
addressString += ',' + address
addressString += address
print agent['agentName'] + ':' + addressString
def parseArguments():
import getpass, argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-u', action='store', dest='te_apiUser', help='ThousandEyes Username')
parser.add_argument('-p', action='store', dest='te_apiPass', help='ThousandEyes API Token')
parser.add_argument('-d', action='store', dest='dd_apiKey', help='Datadog API key')
parser.add_argument('-a', action='store', dest='dd_appKey', help='Datadog APP key')
parser.add_argument('-t', action='store', dest='testList', help='comma-separated list of testIds')
parser.add_argument('-w', action='store', dest='windowSize', help='api query window size')
parser.add_argument('-f', action='store', dest='fromTo', help='specific from/to string')
argResults = parser.parse_args()
if argResults.te_apiUser == '' or argResults.te_apiUser == None:
while argResults.te_apiUser == None or argResults.te_apiUser == '':
argResults.te_apiUser = str(raw_input("Enter ThousandEyes username: "))
if argResults.te_apiPass == '' or argResults.te_apiPass == None:
while argResults.te_apiPass == None or argResults.te_apiPass == '':
argResults.te_apiPass = getpass.getpass("Enter API token for " + argResults.te_apiUser + ": ")
if argResults.dd_apiKey == '' or argResults.dd_apiKey == None:
while argResults.dd_apiKey == None or argResults.dd_apiKey == '':
argResults.dd_apiKey = getpass.getpass("Enter datadog API key: ")
if argResults.dd_appKey == '' or argResults.dd_appKey == None:
while argResults.dd_appKey == None or argResults.dd_appKey == '':
argResults.dd_appKey = getpass.getpass("Enter datadog APP key: ")
if argResults.testList == '' or argResults.testList == None:
while argResults.testList == None or argResults.testList == '':
argResults.testList = str(raw_input("Enter test list (comma-separated): "))
if (argResults.windowSize == '' or argResults.windowSize == None) and (argResults.fromTo == None or argResults.fromTo == None):
while argResults.windowSize == None or argResults.windowSize == '':
argResults.windowSize = str(raw_input("Enter window size: "))
elif (argResults.windowSize <> '' and argResults.windowSize <> None) and (argResults.fromTo <> '' and argResults.fromTo <> None):
windowSize = None
while argResults.windowSize == None or argResults.windowSize == '':
argResults.windowSize = str(raw_input("Window and From/To are mutually exclusive. Enter new window size: "))
elif argResults.windowSize <> None:
argResults.windowSize = 'window=' + argResults.windowSize
argResults.windowSize = 'from=' + argResults.fromTo
rawList = argResults.testList.split(',')
testList = list()
for entry in rawList:
argResults.testList = testList
return argResults
def parsePageOfResults(testData, endpointData):
metricSeriesList = dict()
local_dpCount = 0
local_errorCount = 0
for dataPoint in testData[endpointData['dataElements'][0]][endpointData['dataElements'][1]]:
#iterate through thousandEyes result objects
for metric in endpointData['metricsList']:
#do for each metric
local_dpCount += 1
if 'te.' + metric not in metricSeriesList.keys():
metricSeriesList['te.' + metric] = dict()
metricSeries = metricSeriesList['te.' + metric]
if endpointData['dataSource'] == 'agent':
dataSource = 'agentName'
dataSource = 'monitorName'
if dataPoint[dataSource] not in metricSeries.keys():
metricSeries[dataPoint[dataSource]] = list()
agentSeries = metricSeries[dataPoint[dataSource]]
if metric in dataPoint.keys():
point = (dataPoint['roundId'], dataPoint[metric])
metricSeriesList['te.' + metric][dataPoint[dataSource]] = agentSeries
local_errorCount += 1
# print 'metric: ' + metric + ' data: ' + json.dumps(dataPoint)
_printDebugMessage('debug', 'This page has ' + str(local_dpCount) + ' results, ' + str(local_errorCount) + ' errors.')
return {'data': metricSeriesList.copy(), 'stats': {'testDataPoints': local_dpCount, 'testErrors': local_errorCount}}
def merge(a, b, path=None):
if path is None: path = []
for key in b:
if key in a:
if isinstance(a[key], dict) and isinstance(b[key], dict):
merge(a[key], b[key], path + [str(key)])
elif a[key] == b[key]:
pass # same leaf value
a[key] += b[key]
a[key] = b[key]
return a
def parseTestResultsForDataDog(testList, apiUser, apiPass, window, ddAppKey, ddApiKey):
ddData = dict()
stats = {'dataPoints': 0, 'errorCount': 0, 'dataPoints.uploaded': 0}
_printDebugMessage('info','Downloading test results from the ThousandEyes API')
startTimeStamp =
for testId in testList:
testResults = 0
endpointData = _getEndpointForTest(testId, apiUser, apiPass)
testData = _makeGetRequest(urlBase + endpointData['endpoint'] + str(testId) + '?' + window , apiUser, apiPass)
hostLabel = 'te.' + testData[endpointData['dataElements'][0]]['test']['type'] + '.' + testData[endpointData['dataElements'][0]]['test']['testName']
metricSeriesList = dict()
while 'next' in testData['pages']:
pageData = parsePageOfResults(testData, endpointData)
metricSeriesList = merge(metricSeriesList, pageData['data'])
stats['dataPoints'] += pageData['stats']['testDataPoints']
stats['errorCount'] += pageData['stats']['testErrors']
testResults += pageData['stats']['testDataPoints'] - pageData['stats']['testErrors']
if stats['dataPoints'] - stats['errorCount'] >= uploadLimit:
stats['dataPoints.uploaded'] += stats['dataPoints']
_printDebugMessage('debug','inside the while loop')
_dataDogUploadSeries(convertToDataDogUploadFormat(metricSeriesList, 'test', hostLabel, '', ''), ddAppKey, ddApiKey, stats['dataPoints'])
stats['dataPoints'] = 0
testData = _makeGetRequest(testData['pages']['next'], apiUser, apiPass)
pageData = parsePageOfResults(testData, endpointData)
metricSeriesList = merge(metricSeriesList, pageData['data'])
stats['dataPoints'] += pageData['stats']['testDataPoints']
stats['errorCount'] += pageData['stats']['testErrors']
testResults += pageData['stats']['testDataPoints'] - pageData['stats']['testErrors']
#upload each test independently, regardless of whether the limit was reached
if stats['dataPoints'] > 0:
stats['dataPoints.uploaded'] += stats['dataPoints']
_printDebugMessage('debug','inside the last page condition')
_dataDogUploadSeries(convertToDataDogUploadFormat(metricSeriesList, 'test', hostLabel, '', ''), ddAppKey, ddApiKey, stats['dataPoints'])
stats['dataPoints'] = 0
endTimeStamp =
_printDebugMessage('info','Completed processing of test results; Processed ' + str(testResults) + ' entries for test ' + str(testId) + ', resulting in a total of ' + str(stats['dataPoints']-stats['errorCount']+stats['dataPoints.uploaded']) + ' dataPoints.')
_printDebugMessage('info','Total elapsed processing time: ' + getElapsedTime(endTimeStamp,startTimeStamp))
def convertToDataDogUploadFormat(theData, topLevel, testName, metricName, agentName):
_printDebugMessage('debug','Converting data to dd, topLevel = [' + topLevel + '], testName = [' + testName + '], metricName = [' + metricName + '], agentName = [' + agentName + ']')
if topLevel == 'test':
if testName in theData:
metricSeries = theData[testName]
testMetrics = list()
for metric in metricSeries.keys():
testMetrics += convertToDataDogUploadFormat(metricSeries[metric], 'metric', testName, metric, '')
return testMetrics
metricSeries = theData
testMetrics = list()
for metric in metricSeries.keys():
testMetrics += convertToDataDogUploadFormat(metricSeries[metric], 'metric', testName, metric, '')
return testMetrics
elif topLevel == 'metric':
agentMetrics = list()
for agent in theData.keys():
agentMetrics.append(convertToDataDogUploadFormat(theData[agent], 'agent', testName, metricName, agent))
return agentMetrics
elif topLevel == 'agent':
seriesData = dict()
seriesData['host'] = 'ThousandEyes'
seriesData['metric'] = metricName
seriesData['tags'] = ['agent:' + agentName, 'test:' + testName]
seriesData['points'] = theData
return seriesData
_printDebugMessage('error','Unknown topLevel variable [' + topLevel + '] passed to recursive function. Expected [test, agent, metric]')
return ddUpload
args = parseArguments()
parseTestResultsForDataDog(args.testList, args.te_apiUser, args.te_apiPass, args.windowSize, args.dd_appKey, args.dd_apiKey)
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