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Last active March 14, 2019 02:11
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  • Save DC3/cda60df3af17f975a40a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DC3/cda60df3af17f975a40a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
do (win = window, doc = window.document, className = 'wrap-placeholder', selector = '[placeholder]') ->
# support placeholder
return if doc.createElement('input').placeholder isnt undefined
modern = doc.addEventListener
setStyles = (node, styles) ->
console.log 'debug', JSON.stringify styles
for name, val of styles
console.log 'debug', [name, val][name] = val
cssText = 'position:absolute; color:#ACA899; display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;'
hasGetCS = !!win.getComputedStyle
getWrapperStyles = (node) ->
cStyles = if hasGetCS then win.getComputedStyle(node, null) else node.currentStyle
{marginLeft, marginTop, fontSize, fontFamily, paddingLeft} = cStyles
mL = parseInt(marginLeft, 10)
mT = parseInt(marginTop, 10)
isNaN(mL) and mL = 0
(isNaN(mT) or !mT) and mT = 1
marginLeft = "#{mL+3}px"
marginTop = "#{mT}px"
{offsetWidth, offsetHeight} = node
width = "#{offsetWidth - mL}px"
height = "#{offsetHeight}px"
lineHeight = if node.nodeName.toLowerCase() is 'textarea' then '' else height
{cssText, className, fontFamily, fontSize, marginLeft, marginTop, paddingLeft, width, height, lineHeight}
changeHandler = (wrapper, node) -> = if node.value isnt '' then 'none' else 'inline-block'
handle = (node) ->
return unless ((txt = node.getAttribute('placeholder')) or txt.length)
wrapper = doc.createElement('span')
setStyles wrapper, getWrapperStyles(node)
wrapper.onclick = -> node.focus()
fnCB = changeHandler.bind(null, wrapper, node)
if typeof node.oninput is 'object'
node.addEventListener 'input', fnCB
node.onpropertychange = fnCB
node.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, node)
init = ->
handle(node) for node in doc.querySelectorAll(selector)
if doc.readyState is 'complete'
if modern
doc.addEventListener 'DOMContentLoaded', init
doc.attachEvent 'onreadystatechange', init
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