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Created December 8, 2017 00:12
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Macro to call an OpenGL function, check errors and optionally return a value.
macro_rules! GL {
($fun:ident ( $($arg:expr),*)) => {{
unsafe {
let result = ::gl::$fun( $($arg),* );
let err = ::gl::GetError();
if err != ::gl::NO_ERROR {
let err_str = match err {
::gl::INVALID_OPERATION => "Invalid Operation",
::gl::INVALID_ENUM => "Invalid Enum",
::gl::INVALID_VALUE => "Invalid Value",
::gl::OUT_OF_MEMORY => "Out Of Memory",
::gl::INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION => "Invalid Framebuffer Operation",
_ => "Unknown Error"
panic!("OpenGL Error ({}): {}\n\tFile:{}",
err, err_str, line!()
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