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Created October 19, 2023 13:59
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sealed interface Item {
val weight: Int
val stringRepresentation: String
class Box(override val weight: Int) : Item {
override val stringRepresentation: String = "Box"
class Container(items: List<Item>) : Item {
override val weight: Int = items.sumOf { it.weight } + 2
// or ==> override val weight: Int
// get() = items.sumOf { it.weight } + 2
override val stringRepresentation: String = "Container"
class WeightCalculator {
fun calculate(items: List<Item>) = items.sumOf { it.weight }
class PrettyPrinter(private val logger: Logger) {
init {
fun print(items: List<Item>) = items.forEach { logger.log(it.stringRepresentation) }
class XMLPrinter(private val xmlWriter: XMLWriter) {
fun print(items: List<Item>) {
xmlWriter.writeComment("writing all items")
items.forEach {
xmlWriter.addNode(it.stringRepresentation) // representing xml in parent-child format is inhibited for brevity
xmlWriter.writeComment("finish writing items")
class XMLWriter {
fun addNode(stringRepresentation: String) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
fun writeComment(s: String) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
class Logger {
fun config(level: Level) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
fun log(stringRepresentation: String) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
enum class Level {
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