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Created October 19, 2012 18:49
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Save DHuckaby/3919966 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Forwards compatible version of the ClipboardManager for preserving the api on new versions of the os.
public class ClipboardManagerCompat {
public static ClipboardManager getInstance(Context context) {
return new DeprecatedClipboardManager(context);
} else {
return new HoneycombClipboardManager(context);
private static class DeprecatedClipboardManager implements ClipboardManager {
private android.text.ClipboardManager mClipboardManager;
public DeprecatedClipboardManager(Context context) {
mClipboardManager = (android.text.ClipboardManager) context.getSystemService(android.content.Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
public void setText(CharSequence text) {
public CharSequence getText() {
return mClipboardManager.getText();
public boolean hasText() {
return mClipboardManager.hasText();
private static class HoneycombClipboardManager implements ClipboardManager {
private android.content.ClipboardManager mClipboardManager;
private static CharSequence mText = new String();
public HoneycombClipboardManager(Context context) {
mClipboardManager = (android.content.ClipboardManager) context.getSystemService(android.content.Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
public void setText(CharSequence text) {
if (text != null) {
synchronized (mText) {
mText = text;
mClipboardManager.setPrimaryClip(android.content.ClipData.newPlainText(android.content.ClipDescription.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN, mText));
public CharSequence getText() {
synchronized (mText) {
return mText;
public boolean hasText() {
synchronized (mText) {
return mText.length() > 0;
* Interface to the clipboard service, for placing and retrieving text in
* the global clipboard.
* <p>
* You do not instantiate this class directly; instead, retrieve it through
* {@link ClipboardManagerCompat#getInstance(Context)}.
public static interface ClipboardManager {
* Returns the text on the clipboard. It will eventually be possible to
* store types other than text too, in which case this will return null
* if the type cannot be coerced to text.
public abstract CharSequence getText();
* Sets the contents of the clipboard to the specified text.
public abstract void setText(CharSequence text);
* Returns true if the clipboard contains text; false otherwise.
public abstract boolean hasText();
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