flowchart TD
A[PC 1] <---> B{Server}
C[PC 2] <---> B
D[PC 3] <---> B
H([Xbox]) --> F
E[Laptop] <---> B
I([PS5]) --> F
#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
from pwn import * | |
import argparse | |
import os | |
from time import sleep | |
REQS = ["./format-string-3", "libc.so.6", "ld-linux-x86-64.so.2"] | |
BIN, libc, _ = REQS | |
context.binary = ELF(BIN) |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
from typing import Optional | |
import windows_tools.registry | |
import windows_tools.wmi_queries | |
def decode_key(rpk: str) -> str: | |
""" |
<# | |
Processes a Lua file by replacing certain characters. | |
The script checks if `v.l` or `vehicles.lua` exists. If `v.l` exists, it uses that for processing. Otherwise, it renames `vehicles.lua` to `v.l` and processes the file content to replace backticks with single quotes. | |
DJ Stomp <[email protected]> |
init: {
'theme': 'forest',
"fontFamily": "Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif",
"logLevel": "info",
"flowchart": {
"htmlLabels": true,
"curve": "linear",
"diagramPadding": "40"
graph TD
%% Best Tag Sequence
subgraph BestTagSequence ["Best tag sequence"]
B1["B-Time"] --> I1["I-Time"] --> B2["B-Time"] --> I2["I-Time"]
%% CRF Layer
subgraph CRFLayer ["CRF Layer"]
CRF1["CRF"] --> CRF2["CRF"] --> CRF3["CRF"] --> CRF4["CRF"]
Movie titles often undergo significant changes when translated for international audiences. Sometimes, these translations can be unintentionally humorous or misleading when rendered back into English. Here's a list of the top 5 movies whose Spanish titles take on a new, amusing life when translated back to English.
Spanish Title: "Jungla de Cristal"
English Translation: "Crystal Jungle"
TWID=$(tput cols) | |
LMAX=0 | |
mv ${HOME}/.config/neofetch/config.conf ${HOME}/.config/neofetch/config.conf.old 2>/dev/null | |
echo "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 |
So, you've been working with Flask for a while now. And if you're like most people, so far you have probably mainly stuck with a single app.py
file that contains everything; routes, configurations, database models, all that. This is what we call a "monolith", and it's the epitome of the "Kitchen Sink" model. It's a great starting point, especially for those still getting the hang of Flask and learning the ropes.