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Last active November 15, 2021 17:18
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Dirty store inheritance script
import sys
import re
import subprocess
import networkx
from networkx import is_directed_acyclic_graph, descendants
oneline_class_pattern = re.compile("^class (.*)\((.*)\):$")
opening_class_pattern = re.compile("^class (.*)\($")
lines = subprocess.check_output(
"class .*Store\((.|\n)*?\):$",
def load_graph():
G = networkx.DiGraph()
child = None
for line in lines.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith("#"):
if (match := oneline_class_pattern.match(line)) is not None:
child, parents = match.groups()
for parent in parents.split(", "):
if "metaclass" not in parent:
G.add_edge(child, parent)
child = None
elif (match := opening_class_pattern.match(line)) is not None:
(child,) = match.groups()
elif line == "):":
child = None
assert child is not None, repr(line)
parent = line.strip(",")
if "metaclass" not in parent:
G.add_edge(child, parent)
return G
G = load_graph()
assert is_directed_acyclic_graph(G)
component: set = descendants(G, sys.argv[1])
strict digraph {
node [shape=box];
for (child, parent) in G.edges:
if child in component and parent in component:
print(f" {child} -> {parent}")
print("pipe this to 'dot -o /tmp/inheritance.png -Tpng' ", file=sys.stderr)
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