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David Trejo DTrejo

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DTrejo /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
Use the lobotomized owl selector in conjunction with margin auto and max-width for easy responsive single column sites. Inspired by
require 'sinatra'
require 'infusionsoft'
require 'logger'
Infusionsoft.configure do |config|
config.api_url = ''
config.api_key = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
config.api_logger ="./infusionsoft_api.log")
# wordpress over fastcgi
server {
listen 81;
server_name _;
root /mnt/apps/airpair-blog/current;
index index.html index.php /index.php;
# restricting all dot files
location ~ /\. { return 403; }
DTrejo / find-console.log.js
Created April 7, 2013 22:52
find rogue console.log that snuck into your code, or other people's code
var cl = console.log
console.log = function() {
cl.apply(console, arguments)
// then grep through your code for that function.
# Favicon and Apple Touch Icon Generator
# This bash script takes an image as a parameter, and uses ImageMagick to convert it to several
# other formats used on modern websites. The following copies are generated:
# * apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png
# * apple-touch-icon-57x57-precomposed.png
# * apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png


Twitter for iPhone

Consumer key: IQKbtAYlXLripLGPWd0HUA
Consumer secret: GgDYlkSvaPxGxC4X8liwpUoqKwwr3lCADbz8A7ADU

Twitter for Android

Consumer key: 3nVuSoBZnx6U4vzUxf5w
Consumer secret: Bcs59EFbbsdF6Sl9Ng71smgStWEGwXXKSjYvPVt7qys

Twitter for Google TV

Consumer key: iAtYJ4HpUVfIUoNnif1DA

var redis = require('redis')
, client = redis.createClient()
, assert = require('assert');
// redis.debug_mode = true;
client.on("error", function (err) {
console.log("Error " + err);
DTrejo / fat.json
Created May 9, 2012 06:30
biggest fatest example json you will ever see? maybe, but check out
"name": "my-big-json-package-example"
, "description": "see `npm help json` for full docs. Thanks for reading! — @ddtrejo"
, "keywords": [ "keywords", "to help people find", "this package" ]
, "homepage": ""
, "bugs": {
"//": "(either hash is optional)"
, "url" : ""
, "email" : "[email protected]"
var redis = require("../index");
var async = require("async");
// Set this to truthy to see the wire protocol and other debugging info
redis.debug_mode = process.argv[2];
client1 = redis.createClient();
client2 = redis.createClient();
multi1 = client1.multi();
DTrejo / proposal.js
Created April 9, 2012 20:50
API thoughts for zookeeper mkdir -p
// How would you prefer to use a mkdir-p API?
// Note that this is for making directories in ZooKeeper :)
// Option #1
var mkdirp = require('zk-mkdirp');