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Last active February 27, 2025 07:19
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Bring back the google maps button when searching on google

Google Maps Button Restorer

This userscript brings back the Maps button in Google Search results, making it easy to search locations directly in Google Maps.


  • Adds a Maps button next to the "All", "Images", "News" tabs in Google Search
  • Works across multiple Google domains (.com,, .nl, .de, .fr)
  • Automatically updates when using Google's dynamic search
  • Maintains button presence during navigation
  • Clean integration with Google's native UI


  1. Install a userscript manager:

  2. Install the script:

    • Click here to install directly
    • Or create a new script in your userscript manager and copy the contents of googlemaps.js


  1. Perform a search on Google
  2. The Maps button will appear automatically in the navigation bar
  3. Click the Maps button to search for your query in Google Maps

Supported Domains

  • Other Google domains should work as well

Debug Mode

The script includes a debug mode that logs operations to the browser console:

  1. Open browser DevTools (F12)
  2. Go to Console tab
  3. Look for messages prefixed with [Maps Button]

To disable debug logging, set DEBUG = false in the script.


Feel free to submit issues and enhancement requests!

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Create a new Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Daan Grashoff


Version 2024-12-10

  • Initial release
  • Added support for multiple Google domains
  • Added debug logging
  • Added periodic checks for button presence
  • Added dynamic navigation support
// ==UserScript==
// @name Google maps addon
// @namespace
// @version 2024-03-21
// @description Bring google maps button back
// @author Daan Grashoff
// @homepage
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @run-at document-start
// @icon
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const DEBUG = true;
function log(...args) {
if (DEBUG) console.log('[Maps Button]', ...args);
function addMapsButton() {
log('Attempting to add Maps button...');
// Find the navigation container using multiple possible selectors
const possibleContainers = [
document.querySelector('div[role="navigation"] div[role="list"]'),
const tabsContainer = possibleContainers.find(el => el !== null);
if (!tabsContainer) {
log('No navigation container found');
// Check if Maps button already exists
if (tabsContainer.querySelector('.maps-button-custom')) {
log('Maps button already exists');
// Get the search query
const searchQuery = new URLSearchParams('q');
if (!searchQuery) {
log('No search query found');
// Create Maps button
const mapsListItem = document.createElement('div');
mapsListItem.setAttribute('role', 'listitem');
const mapsButton = document.createElement('a');
mapsButton.href = `${encodeURIComponent(searchQuery)}`;
const mapsButtonText = document.createElement('div');
mapsButtonText.textContent = 'Maps';
// Find the best insertion point
const allTab = tabsContainer.querySelector('[aria-current="page"]')?.closest('[role="listitem"]') ||
if (allTab?.nextSibling) {
tabsContainer.insertBefore(mapsListItem, allTab.nextSibling);
} else {
log('Maps button added successfully');
// Initial load
if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', addMapsButton);
} else {
// Watch for URL changes (Google's dynamic navigation)
let lastUrl = location.href;
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
const currentUrl = location.href;
if (currentUrl !== lastUrl) {
lastUrl = currentUrl;
setTimeout(addMapsButton, 100);
observer.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true });
// Periodic check to ensure button stays present
setInterval(() => {
const hasButton = document.querySelector('.maps-button-custom');
if (!hasButton) {
log('Periodic check - attempting to add button');
}, 2000);
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Ugur22 commented Feb 14, 2024


@ this line underneath the @match to support

// @match*

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Thanks for this code. I will create a chrome plugin from it.
However, it's not just about Maps. Google Flight used to appear directly...but this is no longer the case in EU. :(

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I had to change the line 43 to this, but thanks, it works great!

const mapsLink =${searchQuery}

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healla commented Feb 29, 2024

I had to change the line 43 to this, but thanks, it works great!

const mapsLink =${searchQuery}

this worked good

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Thansk a lot! Fixed a few things like supporting local domains instead of just .com and also made the map image clickable.

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Thansk a lot! Fixed a few things like supporting local domains instead of just .com and also made the map image clickable.

Thanks to both !

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Google changed the UI, So I updated the script

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Nice! Thanks!

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Works great, thx a lot! :)

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Can I ask to add a variable determining the position of the Maps button?

As far as I know, the Maps button was after Everything.


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meGAmeS1 commented Apr 3, 2024

You need to replace line 54 (tabsContainer.prepend(mapsListItem);) with one of these :

If you want it to be second to last as such :

tabsContainer.insertBefore(mapsListItem,tabsContainer.children[tabsContainer.children.length - 1]);

If you want it to be at a given position (for example the second position, so position 1 since you count from 0) :


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hamitozdemir commented Apr 11, 2024

If you rename the file to .user.js when opening raw Tampermonkey automatically detects it's a userscript you're trying to install and directly opens up an "installation" tab, rather than needing to manually copy-paste. Appreciate the bringing back of Google Maps.

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noobie q, sorry: how do i install this (to Firefox)?

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@juhorepository You need the extension "Tampermonkey" and then install this script (to do so: click on the Tampermonkey icon in the extension toolbar of Firefox -> "Create a new Script" and copy-paste the script above

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Sweet :)

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Gabriele-LS commented May 11, 2024

Thank you very much, @Daan-Grashoff, for writing this script. I adjusted it to make it compatible with different Google styles. Here is my code. I hope it could help.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Google Maps Addon
// @namespace
// @version      2024-05-11
// @description  Bring Google Maps Button Back
// @author       You
// @include*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    function addMapsButton() {
        // Find the list container of existing tabs
        const tabsContainer = document.querySelector('.crJ18e').firstChild;

        // If tabs exist, proceed
        if (tabsContainer) {
            // Get the search query from the URL
            const searchQuery = new URLSearchParams('q');

            // Construct the Maps link with the query
            const mapsLink = `//${searchQuery}`;

            // Create the <div> element
            const mapsListItem = document.createElement('div');
            mapsListItem.setAttribute('role', 'listitem');

            // Create the <a> element
            var existing_a_elements_classes = tabsContainer.children[1].firstChild.getAttribute("class");
            var existing_a_elements_jsname = tabsContainer.children[1].firstChild.getAttribute("jsname");
            var existing_a_elements_role = tabsContainer.children[1].firstChild.getAttribute("role");

            const mapsButton = document.createElement('a');
            mapsButton.href = mapsLink;
            mapsButton.setAttribute("class", existing_a_elements_classes);
            mapsButton.setAttribute("jsname", existing_a_elements_jsname);
            mapsButton.setAttribute("role", existing_a_elements_role);

            // Set the <div> element
            var existing_div_elements_classes = tabsContainer.children[1].firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("class");
            var existing_div_elements_jsname = tabsContainer.children[1].firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("jsname");

            const mapsButtonInnerDiv = document.createElement('div');
            mapsButtonInnerDiv.setAttribute("jsname", existing_div_elements_jsname);
            mapsButtonInnerDiv.setAttribute("class", existing_div_elements_classes);

            // Set the <span> element (if needed)
            var existing_span_element = tabsContainer.children[1].firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
            if (existing_span_element.tagName == "SPAN") {
                const mapsButtonInnerSpan = document.createElement("span");
                mapsButtonInnerSpan.setAttribute("jsname", "pIvPIe");
                mapsButtonInnerSpan.textContent = "Maps";
            } else {
                mapsButtonInnerDiv.textContent = "Maps";


            // Insert the Maps button
            tabsContainer.insertBefore(mapsListItem,tabsContainer.children[tabsContainer.children.length - 1]);

    // Call the function to add the button

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Xornop commented Jun 19, 2024

another git with the same idea, is also broken currently

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I believe this should be the selector on line 18.

const tabsContainer = document.querySelector('.crJ18e > div[role="list"]');

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mimoklef commented Oct 22, 2024

Nice scripts guys

🚀 I juste created a more complete one, which brings back mini maps interaction and Open in maps buttons too 🚀

🔧Here are the links to the repo or directly to the script

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@mimoklef nice! works like a charm!

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Hi all, I've updated the script to work with Google's latest UI changes.

Key improvements:

  • Added more container selectors to handle UI variations
  • Improved button insertion logic
  • Added periodic checks to ensure the button stays visible
  • Added support for more Google domains
  • Better handling of dynamic navigation

Let me know if you run into any issues!

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Tecfan commented Dec 10, 2024

If you rename the file to .user.js when opening raw Tampermonkey automatically detects it's a userscript you're trying to install and directly opens up an "installation" tab, rather than needing to manually copy-paste. Appreciate the bringing back of Google Maps.


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