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Created December 2, 2020 18:08
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  • Save Daenyth/cb043aa7afec6fd58fe888878eed6fc5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Daenyth/cb043aa7afec6fd58fe888878eed6fc5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My scalafmt preference (for now)
version = "2.7.1"
align = some
align.arrowEnumeratorGenerator = true
align.openParenCallSite = true
align.tokens = [caseArrow]
binPack.parentConstructors = true
comments.wrap = standalone
danglingParentheses.callSite = false
includeCurlyBraceInSelectChains = false
lineEndings = unix
maxColumn = 100
newlines.alwaysBeforeMultilineDef = false
newlines.alwaysBeforeTopLevelStatements = true
newlines.implicitParamListModifierPrefer = before
optIn.breakChainOnFirstMethodDot = false
project.excludeFilters = [
"\\.metals" // .metals contains *.scala files that shouldn't be touched
rewrite.rules = [
rewriteTokens = {"⇒": "=>", "←": "<-"}
runner.optimizer.forceConfigStyleOnOffset = 150
trailingCommas = preserve
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