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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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  • Save DalSoft/f3413caae03c36ae3112 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DalSoft/f3413caae03c36ae3112 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DalSoft.RestClient - dynamic C# rest client in action PushWoosh SDK
// Method /createMessage
dynamic pushwoosh = new RestClient("");
var pushWooshResponse = await pushwoosh.CreateMessage.Post(new
request = new
application = "APPLICATION_CODE",
notifications = new[] { new {
send_date = "now", // YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm OR 'now'
ignore_user_timezone = true, // or false
content = "your message",
// Optional. Not more than 1000 tokens in an array. If set, message will only be delivered to the devices in the list. Ignored if the applications group is used. Only lower case for iOS
devices = new[] { "dec301908b9ba8df85e57a58e40f96f523f4c2068674f5fe2ba25cdc250a2a41" } //
// Method /deleteMessage
dynamic pushwoosh = new RestClient("");
var response = await pushwoosh.DeleteMessage.Post(new
request = new
auth = "api_access_token",
message = "Message code obtained in createMessage"
// Method /getNearestZone
dynamic pushwoosh = new RestClient("");
var response = await pushwoosh.GetNearestZone.Post(new
request = new
application = "APPLICATION_CODE",
hwid = "hardware device id",
lat = 10.12345,
lng = 28.12345
// Method /getTags
dynamic pushwoosh = new RestClient("");
var response = await pushwoosh.GetTags.Post(new
request = new
auth = "api_access_token",
application = "APPLICATION_CODE",
hwid = "hardware device id"
// Method /pushStat
dynamic pushwoosh = new RestClient("");
var response = await pushwoosh.PushStat.Post(new
request = new
application = "APPLICATION_CODE",
hwid = "hardware device id",
hash = "hash" // received in the push notification in the "p" parameter
// Method /registerDevice
dynamic pushwoosh = new RestClient("");
var response = await pushwoosh.RegisterDevice.Post(new
request = new
application = "APPLICATION_CODE",
push_token = "DEVICE_PUSH_TOKEN",
hwid = "hardware device id",
device_type = 1
// Method /setBadge
dynamic pushwoosh = new RestClient("");
var response = await pushwoosh.SetBadge.Post(new
request = new
application = "APPLICATION_CODE",
hwid = "hardware device id",
badge = 5
// Method /setTags
dynamic pushwoosh = new RestClient("");
var response = await pushwoosh.SetTags.Post(new
request = new
application = "APPLICATION_CODE",
hwid = "hardware device id",
tags = new {
StringTag = "string value",
IntegerTag = 42,
ListTag = new[] { "string1", "string2" }
//Method /unregisterDevice
dynamic pushwoosh = new RestClient("");
var response = await pushwoosh.UnRegisterDevice.Post(new
request = new
application = "APPLICATION_CODE",
hwid = "hardware device id"
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