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GNUOverYooouu DamieFC

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DamieFC /
Last active February 12, 2021 18:13
Based on an xkcd comic...
One tourist map of pentagon
One bear trap
One Ski mask
One Bobcat
One Lube
DamieFC / gnumakefile.c
Created February 5, 2021 21:00
My view on the option to call a Makefile GNUMakefile
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("My view on the option to call a Makefile GNUMakefile: \n");
printf("GNU! MAKE THIS FILE!");
DamieFC /
Created December 2, 2020 23:19
A spam virus that will take up RAM
#! /bin/bash
for(i=0, i > 1000000, i++){
echo("this is malware")
echo("It's very simple")
echo("but this goes 1 million times")
echo("until you delete this I think")
echo("Or do ctrl+c")
echo("I haven't tested this yet")
echo("And I won't")
echo("And you shouldn't either")
for (var 2020 = 1, 2020 < 1000, 2020++) {
(c) DamieFC
This license hereby grants that whoever gets this, can share this code anywhere, as long as I get credit for it. Basically, no taking the code or contents and
saying, LOOK WHAT I DID I'M SO GREAT. Any violation will make me email you letting you know you violated it. Also, NO SPREADING COVID-19 OR ELSE. Or else you get
COVID and you get sick and die.
DamieFC /
Created December 2, 2020 23:06
A very unhelpful guide to distributing a COVID-19 vaccine


  1. Amass all the vaccines in a warehouse, and say you're going to distribute them
  2. Burn a plane down and say that was the plane that was going to distribute the vaccine with
  3. Wait-someone found out that was a hoax!
  4. Throw the vaccines all off a cliff
  5. Hope a rebellion doesn't happen
  6. Oh no! They're rebelling!


DamieFC /
Created November 28, 2020 22:49
The copyleft COVID license, because of my terrible sense of humor

About this license

This was created out of:

  1. Bad sense of humor
  2. Wanting to have an easy to understand license
  3. Wanting to lighten the dark days of 2020 up a bit Let me know if this helps anything, and if anyone doesn't think it's cool, I'll take it down immediatly.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# dotsync :
# Sync dotfiles from a git repo and out to other machines
# Copyright (c) 2012 Ben O'Hara <[email protected]>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
DamieFC /
Last active November 28, 2020 00:16
Hacker stuff
#apps for Operating System
sudo apt-get nmap
mv nmap /home/apps/hackerstuff
sudo apt-get john
mv john /home/apps/hackerstuff
sudo apt-get #etc, except with app names
sudo apt-get #probably a GUI thing
sudo apt-get #oh boy, I hope you get the idea (: )
sudo apt-get leafpad


The stdio.h file is well known in the C programming language because it is how you write text. I looked up the source, and I found the file on the GNU project site. The license is included in the file, so I'm not going to put it here. Anyway, have fun!

DamieFC /
Created October 15, 2020 17:01
Bypassing GoGuardian on chromebook


  1. Open task manager (search + esc)
  2. Find GoGuardian in the pop up. It looks like a little white shield on a blue background, at the time of writing
  3. Once you have found it, click on the one that is taking up the CPU. Then click "End process"
  4. Depending on your schools setup, there may be two. If so, also click the license one, and end that process.

NOTE: it is only temporary. I haven't found any more permanent options, so...

But hey, better than nothing.