- bolster the assumption that bitcoin is fungible
- escape Unnecessary Input Heuristic (UIH) & pre-tracked TXOs
- avoid introducing new heuristics
CIH: Common Input Heuristic UIH: Unnecessary Input Heuristic
Change is not usually much larger than the transfer
- Smallest input may be excluded to create the largest (subset of) output(s)
- Created when consolidating funds from internal address reuse
- Occasionally created by Bitcoin Core in low fee environments to consolidate TXOs (Multiple input set candidates are possible when the feerate is less than 10sats/vB and the heighest weight candidate is chosen)
EITHER change OR another identity paid via sender batching
EITHER transfer payjoin consolidation OR another identity via transaction cut-through
amounts represented in sats
6930 sats fee
48126917 | 30363810
Input 0 | Output 0
41483318 | 59244995
Input 1 | Output 1
6930 sats fee
48126917 | 30363810
A's Input | A's output
| 17761677
| B's output
6930 sats fee
41483318 | 30363810
A's Input | A's output
| 11118578
| B's output
- A sends B 59,244,295 sats
6930 sats fee
A's | A's*
Input 0 | Output 0
A's | B's†
Input 1 | Output 1
- A sends B 30,363,810 sats
6930 sats fee
A's | B's†
Input 0 | Output 0
A's | A's*
Input 1 | Output 1
- A sends B 17,761,677 sats
- B consolidates Input 1
6930 sats fee
A's | A's*
Input 0 | Output 0
B's | B's†
Input 1 | Output 1
- A sends B 11,118,578 sats
- B consolidates Input 0
6930 sats fee
B's | A's*
Input 0 | Output 0
A's | B's†
Input 1 | Output 1
A self spend. Possibly
- A channel open
- Movement between storage modes (e.g. hot to cold, ln node)
6930 sats fee
B's | A's*
Input 0 | Output 0
A's | A's*
Input 1 | Output 1