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Created January 12, 2017 15:31
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import abel
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
from scipy import signal
import peakutils
fn = "O-10N21024.txt" # raw VMI binned to 1024x1024 pixel image
im = np.loadtxt(fn)
im = zoom(im, 2) # improves angular resolution for small radius
im /= im.max() # normalize, consistent between images
# centre
imc =, center='convolution')
# map to polar coordinates
polarim, r, t =, Jacobian=False)
R = r[:, 0] # slice radial grid
nslices = 32 # divide image into 32 slices
pie = np.array_split(polarim, nslices, axis=1)
angle = np.array(np.hsplit(t[0], nslices)).mean(axis=1)
n2 = len(angle)//2 # mid point is zero angle
# restrict radial range to peak of interest
subr = np.logical_and(R >= 0, R <= 1000)
previous = pie[0][subr].sum(axis=1) # -pi/2 slice intensity profile
xcorrpk = []
profpk = []
for ang, aslice in zip(angle[1:], pie[1:]):
# slice profile
profile = aslice[subr].sum(axis=1)
# cross correlation
corr = signal.correlate(previous, profile, "same")
# find xcorr position
ind = peakutils.indexes(corr, thres=0.3, min_dist=40)
# fine the peak location, setting the center of the R-array to zero
# I'm not quite sure why the "-0.5" is needed. It might be something to do with the pixels?
peaks = peakutils.interpolate( R[subr]-np.max(R[subr])*0.5-0.5, corr, ind=ind)
# sort the peaks by smallest absolute value, to find the one in the center
peaks = peaks[np.argsort(np.abs(peaks))]
print peaks
peak = peaks[0]
# peak position using raw profile
indraw = peakutils.indexes(profile, thres=0.3, min_dist=40)
peaks = peakutils.interpolate(R[subr], profile, ind=indraw)
previous = profile
xcorrpk = np.array(xcorrpk)
# --- plots --------------
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)
ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0])
ax0.plot(angle[1:], np.cumsum(-xcorrpk)+np.max(R[subr])*0.5, 'o-', label='xcorr')
ax0.plot(angle[1:], profpk, 'o-', label='peak')
ax0.axis(xmin=-np.pi, xmax=np.pi)
ax0.set_xticks([-np.pi, 0, np.pi])
ax0.set_xticklabels([r"-$\pi$", "0", r"$\pi$"])
ax0.set_xlabel("angle (radians)")
ax0.set_ylabel("relative position")
plt.savefig("correlation.png", dpi=75)
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