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Created May 18, 2022 05:19
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  • Save DaniAsh551/97ff362a7716c83bc3e5016c97c3521f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Generate a signed apk from decompiled smali sources (with a tool like apktool)
if [ ! -f $KEY ]; then
echo "No keystore found in Working Directory. Creating a new one. Please fill the prompts, or cancel and copy your keystore file to $KEY."
keytool -genkey -v -keystore key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias apk
echo Cleaning...
rm -rf dist/*
echo Repacking...
apktool b .
APK=$(ls -1 dist | head -n 1)
echo Aligning...
zipalign 4 -f ./dist/$APK ./dist/out-$APK
echo Signing...
apksigner sign --ks key.jks ./dist/out-$APK
echo Done: out-$APK
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