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Last active September 2, 2021 23:07
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Dialog Utilities for Flutter pages
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
typedef DialogShowHandler<T> = Future<T> Function();
class DialogController {
late DialogShowHandler _showDialog;
late Function _closeDialog;
Completer? _dialogCompleter;
/// Registers a callback function. Typically to show the dialog
void prepareDialog(
{required DialogShowHandler show, required Function close}) {
if (_dialogCompleter != null && !_dialogCompleter!.isCompleted) {
_showDialog = show;
_closeDialog = close;
/// Calls the dialog listener and returns a Future that will wait for dialogComplete.
Future<T?> show<T>() {
final completer = Completer<T>();
_dialogCompleter = completer;
_showDialog().then((value) {
if (completer.isCompleted) return;
return completer.future;
/// Completes the _dialogCompleter to resume the Future's execution call
void close<T>([T? value]) {
if (_dialogCompleter?.isCompleted ?? true) return;
_dialogCompleter = null;
import 'package:dialog_manager/dialog_controller.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class StyledDialogs<S> {
Map<String, DialogShowHandler> _styleBuilders = {};
DialogController _dialogController = DialogController();
void registerDialogOf(
{required S style, required DialogShowHandler builder}) {
final styleIdentifier = style.toString();
_styleBuilders[styleIdentifier] = builder;
Future<T?> showDialogWithStyle<T>(
S style, {
required Function closingFunction,
}) {
final styleIdentifier = style.toString();
final builder = _styleBuilders[styleIdentifier];
if (builder == null) return Future.value(null);
show: builder,
close: closingFunction,
void closeVisibleDialog<T>([T? value]) {
mixin StyledDialogsMixin<S, W extends StatefulWidget> on State<W> {
var _styledDialogs = StyledDialogs<S>();
void registerDialogOf(
{required S style, required DialogShowHandler builder}) =>
_styledDialogs.registerDialogOf(style: style, builder: builder);
Future<T?> showDialogWithStyle<T>(S style, {Function? closingFunction}) =>
closingFunction: closingFunction ?? () => Navigator.of(context).pop(),
void closeVisibleDialog<T>([T? value]) =>
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