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Created April 20, 2010 03:04
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That's 'binary search', not 'cow excrement' I'll have you know...
Written for
Sadly, there IS a bug in the original, unmodified version of the search due
entirely to me trying to be clever.
To compile and run this (using dmd), use:
dmd -unittest bs && bs
To compile and run the sans-bug version, use:
dmd -unittest -version=BugFree && bs
module bs;
* Performs a binary search of the given array, which must be sorted.
* Returns the index into the array of the needle, if found. If the needle
* was not found, it returns the length of the array.
size_t bs(T)(T[] arr, T needle)
if( arr.length == 0 ) return 0;
auto pivot_i = arr.length/2;
auto pivot = arr[pivot_i];
if( needle == pivot )
return pivot_i;
else if( needle < pivot )
auto r_i = bs(arr[0..pivot_i], needle);
if( r_i == pivot_i )
return arr.length;
return r_i;
assert( needle > pivot );
auto r_i = bs(arr[pivot_i+1..$], needle);
if( r_i == arr[pivot_i+1..$].length )
return arr.length;
return pivot_i+1+r_i;
size_t bs_iterative(T)(T[] arr, T needle)
version( BugFree )
// BUG 0:
// See below.
auto originalLength = arr.length;
size_t offset = 0;
while( arr.length > 0 )
auto pivot_i = arr.length / 2;
auto pivot = arr[pivot_i];
if( needle == pivot )
return offset + pivot_i;
else if( needle < pivot )
// offset does not need to change
arr = arr[0..pivot_i];
assert( needle > pivot );
offset += pivot_i+1;
arr = arr[pivot_i+1..$];
version( BugFree )
// BUG 0:
// Because I stupidly decided to re-use arr instead of having a
// separate variable, arr.length is, of course, zero by the time we
// get here, no matter how big the array originally was.
// The code was actually CORRECT right up until I decided "wait a
// second, this extra variable is unnecessary; I can just re-use arr!"
// *expletive*
return originalLength;
return arr.length;
// Writing both above versions took about 10 minutes including worrying about
// the infamous "every binary search is wrong" bug before realising that
// because I was using a language with array slicing, I couldn't be bitten by
// it.
// dmd 1.057 reports no errors on first compile, which is unusual for me.
// Since I have two versions to test, which should be equivalent, I'm going to
// cheat to test them.
template BsTests(alias bsfn)
import tango.util.Convert : to;
import tango.math.random.Random : rand;
Stderr("Testing ")((&bsfn).stringof)("...").newline.flush;
// First, a simple sequential test.
Stderr(" seq:").flush;
for( size_t l=0; l<128; ++l )
Stderr(" ")(l).flush;
auto z = new int[](l);
scope(success) delete z;
foreach( i, ref e ; z )
e = i+1;
size_t r;
r = bsfn(z, 0);
assert( r == z.length,
to!(char[])(r)~" == "~to!(char[])(z.length) );
for( size_t i=0; i<l; ++i )
r = bsfn(z, i+1);
assert( r == i );
r = bsfn(z, z.length+1);
assert( r == z.length );
// Now a more rigorous test.
// (100 trials)
Stderr(" rand:").flush;
for( size_t t=0; t<100; ++t )
Stderr(" ")(t).flush;
auto x = new int[](100_000);
scope(success) delete x;
foreach( i2, n2 ; x )
auto r2 = bsfn(x, n2);
if( !( r2 == i2 ) )
// This can legitimately happen since we can get
// duplicates. In this case, we'll ensure that the value
// we asked for is, indeed, at the returned index.
assert( x[r2] == n2 );
//assert( r2 == i2 );
mixin BsTests!(bs!(int));
mixin BsTests!(bs_iterative!(int));
void main()
Stderr("Tests complete.").newline.flush;
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