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Created June 23, 2023 10:46
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Reddit answer
use tempdb;
set nocount, xact_abort on;
drop table if exists Attendance, ClassDate, Person, AttendanceType;
drop table if exists Person;
create table Person (
PersonNumber int not null identity(1,1),
FirstName nvarchar(100) not null,
MiddleInitials nvarchar(10) not null constraint DF_Person_MiddleInitials default '',
LastName nvarchar(100) not null constraint DF_Person_LastName default 'Doe',
constraint UC_Person_PK primary key clustered (PersonNumber),
constraint U__Person_AK unique (FirstName, MiddleInitials, LastName)
drop table if exists AttendanceType;
create table AttendanceType (
AttendanceCode char(1) not null,
Name nvarchar(100) not null,
constraint UC_AttendanceType_PK primary key clustered (AttendanceCode)
drop table if exists ClassDate;
create table ClassDate (
ClassDate date not null,
constraint UC_ClassDate_PK primary key clustered (ClassDate)
drop table if exists Attendance;
create table Attendance (
PersonNumber int not null,
ClassDate date not null,
AttendanceType char(1) not null,
constraint UC_Attendance_PK primary key clustered (PersonNumber, ClassDate, AttendanceType),
constraint U__Attendance_AK unique nonclustered (ClassDate, PersonNumber, AttendanceType),
constraint Person_records_Attendance_FK foreign key (PersonNumber) references Person (PersonNumber),
constraint ClassDate_is_recorded_in_Attendance_FK foreign key (ClassDate) references ClassDate (ClassDate)
insert into AttendanceType (AttendanceCode, Name)
('P', 'Present'),
('A', 'Absent'),
('E', 'Excused');
create or alter view Number
L1 as (select 1 as A union all select 1),
L2 as (select 1 as A from L1 a cross join L1 b),
L3 as (select 1 as A from L2 a cross join L2 b),
L4 as (select 1 as A from L3 a cross join L3 b),
L5 as (select 1 as A from L4 a cross join L4 b),
Numbers (Number) as (select row_number() over (order by (select 1)) - 1 from L5)
select Number
from Numbers;
insert into Person (FirstName, LastName) select top 2000 newid(), newid() from Number;
insert into ClassDate (ClassDate)
select dateadd(day, Number, cast('2020-01-01' as date))
from Number
where dateadd(day, Number, cast('2020-01-01' as date)) < cast('2023-12-31' as date);
insert into Attendance (PersonNumber, ClassDate, AttendanceType)
select PersonNumber, ClassDate, AttendanceType
from Person
cross apply ClassDate
outer apply (
select abs(cast(cast(newid() as binary(8)) as bigint)) % 3 as Random
) d1
outer apply (
case Random
when 0 then 'P'
when 1 then 'A'
when 2 then 'E'
end as AttendanceType
) d2;
create or alter procedure GenReport
@StartDate date,
@EndDate date,
@ViewName sysname
set nocount, xact_abort on;
begin try
@SelectColumns nvarchar(max) = N'',
@OuterApplies nvarchar(max) = N'';
select @SelectColumns += N'
isnull([' +
cast(dateadd(day, Number, @StartDate) as varchar(20)) +
'], '''') as [' +
cast(dateadd(day, Number, @StartDate) as varchar(20)) +
']' +
case when dateadd(day, Number, @StartDate) < @EndDate then ',' else '' end
from Number
where dateadd(day, Number, @StartDate) <= @EndDate;
select @OuterApplies += N'
outer apply (
select a.AttendanceType as [' + cast(dateadd(day, Number, @StartDate) as varchar(20)) + ']
from Attendance a with (forceseek, index (UC_Attendance_PK))
where a.PersonNumber = p.PersonNumber
and a.ClassDate = ''' + cast(dateadd(day, Number, @StartDate) as varchar(20)) + '''
) [d' + cast(dateadd(day, Number, @StartDate) as varchar(20)) + ']'
from Number
where dateadd(day, Number, @StartDate) <= @EndDate;
declare @Query nvarchar(max) = N'/* This view was generated by a tool */
create or alter view %%ViewName%%
select p.FirstName,
from Person p%%OuterApplies%%;';
set @Query = replace(@Query, '%%ViewName%%', @ViewName);
set @Query = replace(@Query, '%%SelectColumns%%', @SelectColumns);
set @Query = replace(@Query, '%%OuterApplies%%', @OuterApplies);
begin transaction;
exec sp_executesql @stmt = @Query;
end try
begin catch
if @@trancount != 0 rollback;
end catch
create or alter procedure GenReportByMonth
@StartDate date
set nocount, xact_abort on;
if datepart(day, @StartDate) != 1 throw 50000, N'Please specify a first-of-the-month date (e.g.: 2022-01-01).', 1;
declare @EndDate date = dateadd(day, -1, dateadd(month, 1, @StartDate));
declare @MonthName char(3) = substring(datename(month, @StartDate), 1, 3);
declare @Year int = datepart(year, @StartDate);
declare @ViewName sysname = 'AttendanceReport_' + cast(@Year as varchar(4)) + '_' + @MonthName;
exec GenReport @StartDate, @EndDate, @ViewName;
create or alter procedure GenReportByCalendarYearQuarter
@StartDate date
set nocount, xact_abort on;
if datepart(day, @StartDate) != 1 throw 50000, N'Please specify a first-of-the-month date (e.g.: 2022-01-01).', 1;
if datepart(month, @StartDate) not in (1,4,7,10) throw 50000, N'Please specify a calendar year quarter start date (e.g.: 2022-01-01 2022-04-01, 2022-07-01, 2022-10-01).', 1;
declare @EndDate date = dateadd(day, -1, dateadd(month, 3, @StartDate));
declare @Year int = datepart(year, @StartDate);
declare @Quarter int = case datepart(month, @StartDate) when 1 then 1 when 4 then 2 when 7 then 3 when 10 then 4 end;
declare @ViewName sysname = 'AttendanceReport_' + cast(@Year as varchar(4)) + '_CY_Q' + cast(@Quarter as varchar(5));
exec GenReport @StartDate, @EndDate, @ViewName;
exec GenReportByMonth '2022-01-01';
exec GenReportByCalendarYearQuarter '2022-01-01';
exec GenReportByCalendarYearQuarter '2022-04-01';
exec GenReportByCalendarYearQuarter '2022-07-01';
exec GenReportByCalendarYearQuarter '2022-10-01';
select * from AttendanceReport_2022_Jan;
select * from AttendanceReport_2022_CY_Q1;
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