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Last active November 7, 2018 21:14
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PyTorch transforms. See this for saving images:
I am testing different PyTorch transforms on my data, and saving sample
images as they are loaded during training. See examples below.
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DanielTakeshi commented Nov 7, 2018

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DanielTakeshi commented Nov 7, 2018


There's no randomness here.

valid_0000_failure valid_0001_failure valid_0002_success

valid_0003_success valid_0004_failure valid_0005_failure

valid_0006_failure valid_0007_success valid_0008_failure

valid_0009_success valid_0010_failure valid_0011_success

valid_0012_failure valid_0013_failure valid_0014_success

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DanielTakeshi commented Nov 7, 2018


By default, the random resized crop might have an initial crop as small as 8 percent of the original image, as you can see by some of the "zoomed in" stuff. And from the other one we did earlier (the Resize just made this 256x256 here before applying the RandomResizedCrop).

train_0000_success train_0001_success train_0002_success

train_0003_success train_0004_success train_0005_success

train_0006_success train_0007_success train_0008_success

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transforms.RandomResizedCrop(224, scale=(0.8, 1.0))

Now we don't do the initial scaling. This is probably better for the data we have, less "zoomed in" stuff.

train_0000_failure train_0001_failure train_0002_failure

train_0003_success train_0004_success train_0005_failure

train_0006_failure train_0007_failure train_0008_failure

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175             transforms.RandomResizedCrop(224, scale=(0.8, 1.0))
176             transforms.RandomVerticalFlip()

So when they say vertical flip, that means a flip ABOUT THE HORIZONTAL AXIS. It is more intuitive their way.

TL;DR in my code use the HORIZONTAL TRANSFORM, so we flip about the vertical axis.

train_0000_success train_0001_failure train_0002_success

train_0003_failure train_0004_success train_0005_success

train_0006_success train_0007_success train_0008_failure

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