import re |
import pygments |
import pygments.lexers |
import pygments.formatters |
import difflib |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont |
BORDER = 60 |
BG = "#372922" |
def decomment(s): |
s = re.sub(r'//.*|/\*\*.*| \* .+|\*/', '', s) |
s = re.sub("\n *\n *\n","\n\n", s) |
s = re.sub("\n *\n *\n","\n\n", s) |
s = re.sub("\n *\n *\n","\n\n", s) |
s = re.sub("\n *\n *\n","\n\n", s) |
s = re.sub("\n *\n *\n","\n\n", s) |
return s |
contents = open("versions.txt").read() |
versions = [] |
for raw in contents.split("\n--\n"): |
print("----") |
v = raw.split("function totalValue()") |
# v = v[0].split("function dripperAvailableFunds()") |
print(decomment(v[0])) |
versions.append(decomment(v[0])) |
# Define the Pygments lexer and formatter |
lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name('solidity') |
base = Image.new('RGB', (1800, 1400)) |
imd = ImageDraw.Draw(base) |
imd.rectangle(((0,0),(base.width,base.height)),BG) |
# Highlight the code and generate the image |
start = 27 |
old_code = versions[start-1] |
for i, code in enumerate(versions): |
if i < start: |
continue |
n = i - start |
# Generate a list of differences between the two strings |
differ = difflib.Differ() |
diff = list(differ.compare(old_code.splitlines(), code.splitlines())) |
changed_lines = [i for i, line in enumerate(diff) if line.startswith("+") or line.startswith("?")] |
deleted_lines = [i for i, line in enumerate(diff) if line.startswith("-") or line.startswith("?")] |
print(changed_lines) |
formatter = pygments.formatters.ImageFormatter(font_name='Menlo', font_size=10, hl_lines=changed_lines, hl_color="#23f9ab") |
image_data = pygments.highlight(code, lexer, formatter) |
old_formatter = pygments.formatters.ImageFormatter(font_name='Menlo', font_size=10, hl_lines=deleted_lines, hl_color="#f923ab") |
old_image_data = pygments.highlight(code, lexer, old_formatter) |
with open("tmp.png", "wb") as f: |
f.write(image_data) |
with open("tmp2.png", "wb") as f: |
f.write(old_image_data) |
with Image.open("tmp.png") as f: |
with Image.open("tmp2.png") as f2: |
base.paste(base, (-40, 0)) |
imd = ImageDraw.Draw(base) |
imd.rectangle(((800,0),(2000,2000)),BG) |
imd.rectangle(((800,base.height-f.height-BORDER),(1350,base.height-BORDER)),'#f8f8f8') |
if i != start: |
base.paste(f2, (800-40,base.height-f2.height-BORDER)) |
base.paste(f, (800,base.height-f.height-BORDER)) |
base.save("foo-{0:05d}.png".format(i), "PNG") |
old_code = code |
for q in range(0,3): |
formatter = pygments.formatters.ImageFormatter(font_name='Menlo', font_size=10) |
image_data = pygments.highlight(code, lexer, formatter) |
with open("tmp.png", "wb") as f: |
f.write(image_data) |
with Image.open("tmp.png") as f: |
base.paste(base, (0, 0)) |
imd = ImageDraw.Draw(base) |
imd.rectangle(((800,0),(2000,2000)),BG) |
imd.rectangle(((800,base.height-f.height-BORDER),(1350,base.height-BORDER)),'#f8f8f8') |
base.paste(f, (800,base.height-f.height-BORDER)) |
base.save("foo-{0:05d}.png".format(i+1+q), "PNG") |