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accountsservice 0.6.37-1 | |
acpi 1.7-1 | |
adduser 1.15-5 | |
alsa-utils 1.0.28-1 | |
android-studio 0.8.1-1 | |
apache 2.4.9-1 | |
arandr | |
arch-wiki-docs 20140625-1 | |
archey 20130324-7 | |
archey3 0.5-2 | |
ario 1.5.1-3 | |
aurphan 20140212-1 | |
autoconf 2.69-1 | |
automake 1.14.1-1 | |
awesome 3.5.5-1 | |
bash 4.3.018-3 | |
bc 1.06.95-1 | |
beep 1.3-2 | |
binutils 2.24-6 | |
bison 3.0.2-1 | |
blackwidow-enable-macro-keys 20130610-1 | |
bless 0.6.0-4 | |
boost 1.55.0-6 | |
boost-build 2.0_m12-5 | |
brackets sprint_40-1 | |
bumblebee 3.2.1-3 | |
bzip2 1.0.6-5 | |
calc | |
clamav 0.98.4-1 | |
compton 0.1_beta2-4 | |
conky 1.9.0-4 | |
coreutils 8.22-4 | |
cowsay 3.03-8 | |
cronie 1.4.11-2 | |
cryptsetup 1.6.4-1 | |
deluge 1.3.6-4 | |
device-mapper 2.02.106-2 | |
dhclient 4.3.0-1 | |
dhcpcd 6.4.0-1 | |
diffutils 3.3-1 | |
dkms-alx 3:3.9-9 | |
dmenu | |
dmenu-launch 0.5.8-2 | |
dmidecode 2.12-2 | |
dnsutils 9.9.2.P2-1 | |
dosfstools 3.0.26-1 | |
dpkg 1.16.12-1 | |
dwb 2014.03.07-2 | |
e2fsprogs 1.42.10-1 | |
expac 3-1 | |
fakeroot 1.20-1 | |
feh 2.12-1 | |
file 5.19-1 | |
filesystem 2014.06-2 | |
findutils 4.4.2-5 | |
firefox 30.0-1 | |
firefox-aurora 32.0a2.20140615004003-1 | |
fish 2.1.0-3 | |
flashplugin | |
flex 2.5.39-1 | |
font-misc-ethiopic 1.0.3-1 | |
galculator 2.1.3-3 | |
gawk 4.1.1-1 | |
gedit 3.12.2-1 | |
gettext 0.19.1-1 | |
gimp 2.8.10-1 | |
gist 4.2.1-1 | |
git 2.0.1-1 | |
glibc 2.19-5 | |
gmtp 1.3.6-1 | |
gnome-font-viewer 3.12.0-1 | |
gnome-keyring 3.12.2-1 | |
gnome-speech 0.4.25-2 | |
google-chrome-beta 36.0.1985.97-1 | |
google-talkplugin | |
gparted 0.19.0-1 | |
gpick 0.2.5-3 | |
grep 2.20-1 | |
grub 1:2.02.beta2-4 | |
gst-python 1.2.1-1 | |
gtk-chtheme 0.3.1-7 | |
gvfs-smb 1.20.2-1 | |
gzip 1.6-1 | |
hdparm 9.43-2 | |
html2text 1.3.2a-10 | |
htop 1.0.3-2 | |
i3-wm 4.8-3 | |
i3blocks 1.2-1 | |
i3lock 2.5-2 | |
i3lock-wrapper 2014.04.22.g03b4afe-1 | |
i3status 2.8-2 | |
imagemagick | |
imagemagick-doc | |
inetutils 1.9.2-1 | |
inkscape 0.48.5-2 | |
iproute2 3.14.0-1 | |
iputils 20121221-3 | |
iw 3.14-1 | |
j4-dmenu-desktop 2.11-1 | |
jdk 8u5-2 | |
jfsutils 1.1.15-4 | |
jq 1.4-1 | |
jsawk-git 1.4.r2.geb96e84-1 | |
jshon 20131105-1 | |
less 458-1 | |
libreoffice-base 4.2.5-1 | |
libreoffice-calc 4.2.5-1 | |
libreoffice-common 4.2.5-1 | |
libreoffice-draw 4.2.5-1 | |
libreoffice-gnome 4.2.5-1 | |
libreoffice-impress 4.2.5-1 | |
libreoffice-math 4.2.5-1 | |
libreoffice-postgresql-connector 4.2.5-1 | |
libreoffice-writer 4.2.5-1 | |
libtool 2.4.2-13 | |
libutil-linux 2.24.2-1 | |
licenses 20130203-1 | |
lightdm 1:1.10.1-2 | |
lightdm-gtk3-greeter 1:1.8.4-2 | |
lightdm-webkit-greeter 0.1.2-6 | |
lightdm-webkit-theme-google r5.d76e656-1 | |
lighttable 0.6.6-2 | |
linux 3.15.2-1 | |
logrotate 3.8.7-3 | |
lshw B.02.17-1 | |
lvm2 2.02.106-2 | |
lxappearance 0.5.5-1 | |
lynx 2.8.8-1 | |
m4 1.4.17-1 | |
make 4.0-2 | |
man-db | |
man-pages 3.69-1 | |
mariadb 5.5.37-1 | |
mdadm 3.3.1-2 | |
mdm-display-manager 1.6.9-1 | |
mlocate 0.26-3 | |
mopidy-gmusic 0.3.0-1 | |
mousepad 0.3.0-2 | |
mplayer 37224-1 | |
nano 2.2.6-2 | |
nautilus 3.12.2-1 | |
nautilus-actions 3.2.3-3 | |
nautilus-columns 0.3-3 | |
nautilus-dropbox 1.6.2-1 | |
nautilus-mount-image 0.2.0-2 | |
nautilus-open-terminal 0.20-1 | |
nautilus-pastebin 0.7.2-1 | |
neovim-git 0.r896.3a68a48-1 | |
netctl 1.8-1 | |
network-manager-applet | |
networkmanager | |
networkmanager-dispatch-resolv 1.0-3 | |
networkmanager-dispatcher-ntpd 1.0-6 | |
networkmanager-dmenu-git r10.04bfe12-1 | |
networkmanager-pptp | |
networkmanager-vpnc | |
nginx 1.6.0-5 | |
ngrok 1.7-2 | |
nodejs-grunt-cli 0.1.13-3 | |
notify-osd 0.9.34-1 | |
ntfs-3g 2014.2.15-1 | |
numix-circle-icon-theme-git 0.r460.a089d8d-1 | |
numix-themes 2.2.3-1 | |
numlockx 1.2-2 | |
openssh 6.6p1-2 | |
openssh-askpass 2.0.2-1 | |
opera 12.16.1860-2 | |
os-prober 1.58-1 | |
pacaur 4.2.4-1 | |
packer 20140103-1 | |
pacman 4.1.2-6 | |
pacmatic 20121112-3 | |
patch 2.7.1-2 | |
pavucontrol 2.0-2 | |
pciutils 3.2.1-1 | |
pcmciautils 018-7 | |
perl 5.20.0-5 | |
php 5.5.14-1 | |
php-codesniffer 1.5.3-1 | |
php-composer 1.0.0_alpha8-2 | |
php-fpm 5.5.14-1 | |
phpstorm 7.1.3-3 | |
pipelight 1: | |
pkg-config 0.28-1 | |
plexmediaserver | |
plymouth 0.9.0-4 | |
popcorntime 0.3.2-1 | |
preload 0.6.4-6 | |
procps-ng 3.3.9-3 | |
psmisc 22.21-2 | |
pulseaudio 5.0-1 | |
pulseaudio-alsa 2-2 | |
python-pip 1.5.6-1 | |
python2-gmusicapi 3.0.0-1 | |
python2-pip 1.5.6-1 | |
qalculate-gtk 0.9.7-3 | |
qbittorrent | |
quicktile-git 20140626-1 | |
rabbitvcs-nautilus 0.16-1 | |
razercfg 0.26-1 | |
rbenv 0.4.0-1 | |
read-edid 3.0.1-1 | |
redshift 1.9.1-1 | |
redshiftgui-bin 0.2.1-3 | |
reiserfsprogs 3.6.24-1 | |
rfkill 0.5-1 | |
rofi-git r289.cfd9550-1 | |
rsync 3.1.1-1 | |
ruby-chunky_png 1.3.0-1 | |
ruby-ffi 1.9.3-1 | |
ruby-json 1.8.1-2 | |
ruby-listen-1.1 1.1.0-1 | |
ruby-multi_json 1.10.1-1 | |
ruby-rb-fsevent 0.9.4-1 | |
ruby-rb-inotify 0.9.5-1 | |
ruby-rb-kqueue 0.2.3-1 | |
ruby-yard | |
s-nail 14.7.1-1 | |
samba 4.1.9-1 | |
screenfetch 3.2.2-1 | |
sed 4.2.2-3 | |
shadow 4.2.1-1 | |
sl 5.01-1 | |
speedtest-cli 20130218-3 | |
spidermonkey-1.7 1.7.0-5 | |
sshfs 2.5-1 | |
sshuttle 0.61-5 | |
st 0.5-1 | |
sublime-text-dev 3.3059-1 | |
sudo 1.8.10.p3-1 | |
sysfsutils 2.1.0-8 | |
systemd-sysvcompat 214-2 | |
tar 1.27.1-1 | |
task 2.3.0-2 | |
teiler-git 228.bcd1ffc-1 | |
terminator 0.97-2 | |
texinfo 5.2-2 | |
thunar 1.6.3-1 | |
thunderbird 24.6.0-1 | |
tmux 1.9_a-1 | |
traceroute 2.0.19-2 | |
transmission-gtk 2.83-3 | |
tree 1.7.0-1 | |
ttf-meslo 1.2.1-1 | |
unzip 6.0-6 | |
update-grub 0.0.1-5 | |
usbutils 007-1 | |
util-linux 2.24.2-1 | |
utorrent-server 27079-1 | |
v8 | |
vagrant 1.6.3-1 | |
vi 1:050325-3 | |
vim 7.4.335-4 | |
virtualbox 4.3.12-1 | |
vlc 2.1.4-2 | |
wget 1.15-1 | |
which 2.20-6 | |
whois 5.1.3-1 | |
wireshark-gtk 1.10.8-1 | |
wxpython | |
xautolock 2.2-3 | |
xbmc 13.1-2 | |
xclip 0.12-3 | |
xcompmgr 1.1.6-2 | |
xdebug 2.2.5-1 | |
xdg-user-dirs 0.15-1 | |
xf86-input-evdev 2.9.0-1 | |
xf86-input-joystick 1.6.2-3 | |
xf86-input-keyboard 1.8.0-2 | |
xf86-input-mouse 1.9.0-2 | |
xf86-input-synaptics 1.8.0-1 | |
xf86-input-vmmouse 13.0.0-3 | |
xf86-input-void 1.4.0-6 | |
xf86-video-ark 0.7.5-4 | |
xf86-video-ast 0.97.0-4 | |
xf86-video-ati 1:7.3.0-1 | |
xf86-video-cirrus 1.5.2-3 | |
xf86-video-dummy 0.3.7-2 | |
xf86-video-fbdev 0.4.4-2 | |
xf86-video-glint 1.2.8-4 | |
xf86-video-i128 1.3.6-4 | |
xf86-video-intel 2.99.912-1 | |
xf86-video-mach64 6.9.4-3 | |
xf86-video-mga 1.6.3-2 | |
xf86-video-modesetting 0.9.0-1 | |
xf86-video-neomagic 1.2.8-2 | |
xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.10-2 | |
xf86-video-nv 2.1.20-4 | |
xf86-video-openchrome 0.3.3-3 | |
xf86-video-r128 6.9.2-2 | |
xf86-video-savage 2.3.7-2 | |
xf86-video-siliconmotion 1.7.7-4 | |
xf86-video-sis 0.10.7-5 | |
xf86-video-tdfx 1.4.5-4 | |
xf86-video-trident 1.3.6-5 | |
xf86-video-v4l 0.2.0-13 | |
xf86-video-vesa 2.3.2-4 | |
xf86-video-vmware 13.0.2-1 | |
xf86-video-voodoo 1.2.5-4 | |
xfce4-artwork 0.1.1a_git20110420-2 | |
xfce4-settings 4.10.1-1 | |
xfce4-terminal 0.6.3-1 | |
xfce4-volumed 0.1.13-7 | |
xfsprogs 3.2.0-1 | |
xgrabcolor 1.4.2-1 | |
xmldiff 0.6.10-2 | |
xnviewmp 0.68-2 | |
xorg-bdftopcf 1.0.4-1 | |
xorg-docs 1.7-1 | |
xorg-font-util 1.3.0-1 | |
xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0.1-4 | |
xorg-fonts-75dpi 1.0.3-1 | |
xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.4-3 | |
xorg-iceauth 1.0.6-1 | |
xorg-luit 1.1.1-2 | |
xorg-mkfontdir 1.0.7-1 | |
xorg-mkfontscale 1.1.1-1 | |
xorg-server 1.15.1-1 | |
xorg-server-xephyr 1.15.1-1 | |
xorg-sessreg 1.0.8-1 | |
xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.0-1 | |
xorg-smproxy 1.0.5-1 | |
xorg-x11perf 1.5.4-1 | |
xorg-xauth 1.0.9-1 | |
xorg-xbacklight 1.2.1-1 | |
xorg-xcmsdb 1.0.4-1 | |
xorg-xcursorgen 1.0.6-1 | |
xorg-xdpyinfo 1.3.1-1 | |
xorg-xdriinfo 1.0.4-3 | |
xorg-xev 1.2.1-1 | |
xorg-xgamma 1.0.5-1 | |
xorg-xhost 1.0.6-1 | |
xorg-xinput 1.6.1-1 | |
xorg-xkbcomp 1.2.4-1 | |
xorg-xkbevd 1.1.3-1 | |
xorg-xkbutils 1.0.4-1 | |
xorg-xkill 1.0.4-1 | |
xorg-xlsatoms 1.1.1-1 | |
xorg-xlsclients 1.1.3-1 | |
xorg-xmodmap 1.0.8-1 | |
xorg-xpr 1.0.4-1 | |
xorg-xprop 1.2.2-1 | |
xorg-xrandr 1.4.2-1 | |
xorg-xrdb 1.1.0-1 | |
xorg-xrefresh 1.0.5-1 | |
xorg-xset 1.2.3-1 | |
xorg-xsetroot 1.1.1-1 | |
xorg-xvinfo 1.1.2-1 | |
xorg-xwd 1.0.6-1 | |
xorg-xwininfo 1.1.3-1 | |
xorg-xwud 1.0.4-1 | |
xsel 1.2.0-5 | |
yaourt 1.5-1 | |
zsh 5.0.5-1 | |
zsh-completions 0.10.0-2 |
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