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Created June 27, 2022 06:03
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PlutoExplorerExtended : a take on the well known PlutoExplorer ("Zoomable and Pannable JavaFX ImageView Example")
package dk.danskerdave.javafx.image;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.geometry.*;
import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.scene.control.Alert.AlertType;
import javafx.scene.image.*;
import javafx.scene.input.ScrollEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.*;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.util.Duration;
* A JavaFX Demo of Image Zoom, Drag & Rotation.
public final class PlutoExplorerExtended extends Application {
private static final double HALF = 0.5d;
* This is the number of Zoom-In operations required to
* <b><i>almost exactly</i></b>
* halve the size of the Viewport.
private static final int ZOOM_N = 9; // TODO try.: 1 <= ZOOM_N <= 20"-ish"
* This factor guarantees that after
* {@link #ZOOM_N}
* times Zoom-In, the Viewport-size halves
* <b><i>almost exactly</i></b>.<br>
* (HALF was chosen to - perhaps? - avoid excessive Image degradation when zooming)<br>
* For ZOOM_N = 9 the factor value is approximately 93%
private static final double ZOOM_IN_SCALE = Math.pow(HALF, 1.0d / ZOOM_N);
* Enumeration of the possible Zoom actions.
private static enum Zoom {
* If Shift was pressed while
* Scrolling, the action
* will be ignored */ ZOOM_NONE( 0, Double.NaN),
/** = Mouse Scroll Up */ ZOOM_IN ( 1, ZOOM_IN_SCALE),
/** = Mouse Scroll Down */ ZOOM_OUT (-1, 1.0d / ZOOM_IN_SCALE);
/** 0, 1 or -1 */ private final int zoomLevelDelta;
/** Zoom-Factor */ private final double scale;
private Zoom(final int zoomLevelDelta, final double scale) {
this.zoomLevelDelta = zoomLevelDelta;
this.scale = scale;
private static Zoom of(final ScrollEvent scrollEvent) {
final double scrollAmount = scrollEvent.getDeltaY();
if (scrollAmount == 0) {
return ZOOM_NONE;
if (scrollAmount > 0) {
return ZOOM_IN;
} else {
return ZOOM_OUT;
* @see ZoomDragPane#ZoomDragPane(Image, double, double)
private static final class ZoomDragPane extends Pane {
private static final double MIN_PX = 10;
private int zoomLevel = 0;
private final ImageView view;
private final double imageWidth;
private final double imageHeight;
private final double rotation90scale;
* Create a
* {@link Pane}
* container for an
* {@link ImageView}
* which encapsulates all the Zoom, Drag & Rotation logic for an Image.
* @param image the Image to be displayed
* @param prefWidth the desired width of the Pane
* @param prefHeight the desired height of the Pane
private ZoomDragPane(final Image image, final double prefWidth, final double prefHeight) {
this.setPrefSize(prefWidth, prefHeight);
this.setStyle ("-fx-background-color: LIGHTGREY");
this.view = new ImageView(image);
this.view.setSmooth (true);
this.view.setCache (true);
this.imageWidth = image.getWidth();
this.imageHeight = image.getHeight();
this.view.setViewport(new Rectangle2D(0, 0, this.imageWidth, this.imageHeight));
* Unless its square, the Image must be scaled when rotated through 90 (or 270) degrees...
this.rotation90scale = Math.min(this.imageWidth, this.imageHeight) / Math.max(this.imageWidth, this.imageHeight);
this.view.fitWidthProperty() .bind(this.widthProperty());
this.view.setOnScroll(e -> zoom(e));
* Drag the Viewport as the Mouse is moved.
private void setMouseDraggedEventHandler() {
final ObjectProperty<Point2D> mouseDown = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
* Remember where the Mouse was in the Image when it was pressed...
this.view.setOnMousePressed(e -> mouseDown.set(imageViewToImage(e.getX(), e.getY())));
* Using the above, work out how far the Mouse has been dragged & adjust the Viewport...
this.view.setOnMouseDragged(e -> {
final Point2D dragPoint = imageViewToImage(e.getX(), e.getY());
final Point2D dragDelta = dragPoint.subtract(mouseDown.get());
final Rectangle2D viewport = this.view.getViewport();
final double newX = viewport.getMinX() - dragDelta.getX();
final double newY = viewport.getMinY() - dragDelta.getY();
setImageViewport(newX, newY, viewport.getWidth(), viewport.getHeight());
* Zoom Event-Handler. Zooms In or Out exactly 1 Level (if at all).
* <p>
* Note.: the X-/Y-Coordinates returned by the ScrollEvent are relative-to-the-ImageView
* and need to be normalised to relative-to-the-Image for the Zoom & Viewport calculations.
* @param scrollEvent
private void zoom(final ScrollEvent scrollEvent) {
final Zoom zoom = Zoom.of(scrollEvent);
final int zoomLevelTry = this.zoomLevel + zoom.zoomLevelDelta;
* Zoomed out too far or no Zoom at all? Then there's nothing to do...
if (zoomLevelTry < 0
|| zoom == Zoom.ZOOM_NONE) {
* Calculate the Viewport Size for the desired Zoom-Level...
final Dimension2D newSize = zoomCalculateViewportSize(zoomLevelTry);
* If the maximum Zoom-Level has been exceeded there's nothing to do...
if (Math.min(newSize.getWidth(), newSize.getHeight()) < MIN_PX) {
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* OK, the new Zoom-Level is valid:
* -> calculate the new Viewport X-/Y-coordinates & update the Viewport...
* (we Zoom in or out centred around the Pixel at the Mouse position)
this.zoomLevel = zoomLevelTry;
final Point2D mouseInImage = imageViewToImage(scrollEvent.getX(), scrollEvent.getY());
final Point2D newLocation = zoomCalculateNewViewportXY(mouseInImage, zoom.scale);
* Store the new Coordinates & Size in the Viewport...
setImageViewport(newLocation.getX(), newLocation.getY(), newSize.getWidth(), newSize.getHeight());
* To fix the Pixel @ the Mouse X-coordinate, the following is true:
* <br>
* {@code (x - newViewportMinX) / (x - currentViewportMinX) = scale}
* <p>
* The new Viewport X-coordinate is therefore given by:
* <br>
* {@code newViewportMinX = x - (x - currentViewportMinX) * scale}
* <p>
* The new Viewport Y-coordinate is calculated similarly.
* @param imageMouse the Mouse coordinates relative to the Image
* @param scale the Zoom-factor
* @return X-/Y-coordinate of the new Viewport<br>
* (which
* {@link #setImageViewport(double, double, double, double)}
* will bring into Range if necessary)
private Point2D zoomCalculateNewViewportXY(final Point2D imageMouse, final double scale) {
final Rectangle2D oldViewport = this.view.getViewport();
final double mouseX = imageMouse.getX();
final double mouseY = imageMouse.getY();
final double newX = mouseX - (mouseX - oldViewport.getMinX()) * scale;
final double newY = mouseY - (mouseY - oldViewport.getMinY()) * scale;
return new Point2D(newX, newY);
* Calculate the Viewport size for a particular
* {@code zoomLevel}.
* @param zoomLevel the Zoom Level
* @return
private Dimension2D zoomCalculateViewportSize(final int zoomLevel) {
final double zoomScale = Math.pow(ZOOM_IN_SCALE, zoomLevel);
final double newWidth = this.imageWidth * zoomScale;
final double newHeight = this.imageHeight * zoomScale;
return new Dimension2D(newWidth, newHeight);
* Zoom in to the requested
* {@code zoomLevel}.<br>
* (the Viewport will be centred within the Image)
* @param zoomLevel
private void zoomInCentredToLevel(final int zoomLevel) {
this.zoomLevel = zoomLevel;
* Calculate the Viewport Size for the desired Zoom-Level...
final Dimension2D newSize = zoomCalculateViewportSize(zoomLevel);
final double newX = (this.imageWidth - newSize.getWidth() ) / 2;
final double newY = (this.imageHeight - newSize.getHeight()) / 2;
setImageViewport(newX, newY, newSize.getWidth(), newSize.getHeight());
* Calculate Mouse coordinates within the Image based on coordinates within the ImageView.
* @param viewX X-coordinate of the Mouse within the ImageView
* @param viewY Y-coordinate of the Mouse within the ImageView
* @return Coordinates of the Mouse within the Image
private Point2D imageViewToImage(final double viewX, final double viewY) {
final Bounds boundsLocal = this.view.getBoundsInLocal();
final double xProportion = viewX / boundsLocal.getWidth();
final double yProportion = viewY / boundsLocal.getHeight();
final Rectangle2D viewport = this.view.getViewport();
final double imageX = viewport.getMinX() + xProportion * viewport.getWidth();
final double imageY = viewport.getMinY() + yProportion * viewport.getHeight();
return new Point2D(imageX, imageY);
* Store the new Coordinates & Size in the Viewport.<br>
* (making sure that the Viewport remains within the Image)
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param height
* @see ImageView#setViewport(Rectangle2D)
private void setImageViewport(final double x, final double y, final double width, final double height) {
final double xMax = this.imageWidth - width;
final double yMax = this.imageHeight - height;
final double xClamp = Math.max(0, Math.min(x, xMax)); // 0 <= x <= xMax
final double yClamp = Math.max(0, Math.min(y, yMax)); // 0 <= y <= yMax
this.view.setViewport(new Rectangle2D(xClamp, yClamp, width, height));
* The Image will either be rotated or the rotation will be reset to zero.
* <p>
* Note:
* this rotation logic was conceived for multiples of 90 degrees.<br>
* It can, however, handle any angle, but the rotation90scale logic would need a touch of Pythagoras.
* @param relativeRotation the rotation angle, in Degrees (0 = reset to zero)<br>
private void rotateOrReset(final double relativeRotation) {
final double rotatePrevious = this.view.getRotate();
if (relativeRotation == 0) {
if (rotatePrevious != 0) {
rotateAndScale(rotatePrevious, 0);
} else {
rotateAndScale (rotatePrevious, rotatePrevious + relativeRotation);
private void rotateAndScale(final double previousRotation, final double absoluteRotation) {
if (this.imageWidth == this.imageHeight) {
final boolean multiple180previous = previousRotation % 180 == 0;
final boolean multiple180new = absoluteRotation % 180 == 0;
if (multiple180new == multiple180previous) {
if (multiple180new) {
} else {
private static final String TITLE = "Pluto Explorer";
private static final String IMAGE_CREDIT_URL = "";
private static final String IMAGE_URL = "";
public void start(final Stage primaryStage) {
final Image image = new Image(IMAGE_URL);
final double paneWidth = image.getWidth();
final ZoomDragPane pane = new ZoomDragPane(image, paneWidth, paneWidth * image.getHeight() / image.getWidth());
final Hyperlink link = new Hyperlink("Image Credit: NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI");
; link.setOnAction(e -> getHostServices().showDocument(IMAGE_CREDIT_URL));
; link.setPadding (new Insets(10));
; link.setTooltip (new Tooltip(IMAGE_CREDIT_URL));
final HBox buttons = createButtons(pane);
final VBox root = new VBox(link, pane, buttons);
; root.setFillWidth(true);
VBox.setVgrow(pane, Priority.ALWAYS);
pane.setOnMouseClicked(e -> {
if (e.getClickCount() == 2) {
final Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.INFORMATION);
; alert.setTitle (TITLE);
; alert.setHeaderText ("Double-Click Dialogue");
; alert.setContentText("Press OK or Enter/Return");
; alert.showAndWait();
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root));
* Installs a once-only Tooltip centred over the Image.
* @param zoomDragPane
private static void installTooltip(final ZoomDragPane zoomDragPane) {
* Implementation note.:
* hijacking the setOnShowing(...) method & performing a show(...) there
* seems to be the only way of accurately positioning a Tooltip.
* Even though the Tooltip is only displayed once, the setOnShowing(...) method
* is invoked 3 times, each time with a different Tooltip size,
* the last of which seems to be final & is (apart from the 18 Pixel discrepancy) correct.
final Tooltip toolTip = new Tooltip("Scroll to zoom, drag to pan");
; toolTip.setOpacity (0.75);
; toolTip.setShowDelay (Duration.seconds(0.5));
; toolTip.setShowDuration(Duration.seconds(9));
; toolTip.setOnShown (e -> Tooltip.uninstall(zoomDragPane, toolTip));
; toolTip.setOnShowing (e -> {
final Node view = zoomDragPane.view;
final Bounds viewBoundsLocal = view.getBoundsInLocal();
final Bounds viewBounds = view.localToScreen(viewBoundsLocal);
final int toolTipFudge = 18; // Fudge because Tooltip claims to be larger than it really is
final double toolTipWidth = toolTip.getWidth() - toolTipFudge;
final double toolTipHeight = toolTip.getHeight() - toolTipFudge;
final double toolTipOffsetX = (viewBounds.getWidth() - toolTipWidth ) / 2;
final double toolTipOffsetY = (viewBounds.getHeight() - toolTipHeight) / 2;, viewBounds.getMinX() + toolTipOffsetX, viewBounds.getMinY() + toolTipOffsetY);
Tooltip.install (zoomDragPane, toolTip);
* Creates a Bar with Zoom Buttons & Rotation CheckBox.
* @param zoomDragPane
* @return
private static HBox createButtons(final ZoomDragPane zoomDragPane) {
final char DEGREE = '\u00B0';
final CheckBox rotate = new CheckBox("Rotate 90" + DEGREE + " (Toggle)");
; rotate.setOnAction(e -> zoomDragPane.rotateOrReset(rotate.isSelected() ? 90 : 0));
; rotate.setPadding(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 50));
final HBox toolBox = new HBox(10);
; toolBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER);
; toolBox.setPadding(new Insets(10));
IntStream.range(0, 3).forEach(n -> {
final Button zoom = new Button("Zoom " + ((int) Math.pow(2, n)) + "00%");
; zoom.setOnAction(e -> zoomDragPane.zoomInCentredToLevel(ZOOM_N * n));
toolBox .getChildren().add(rotate);
return toolBox;
public static void main(final String[] args) {
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