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Last active June 3, 2023 15:30
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Example of type indexed values using mutual recursion with multiple type variables
infix & +` *`
datatype ('a, 'b) stmt =
Assign of 'a * ('a, 'b) expr
| If of ('a, 'b) expr * ('b, 'a) stmt list * ('a, 'b) stmt list
and ('a, 'b) expr =
Stmt of ('a, 'a) stmt
| Int of 'b
| Bop of ('b, 'a) expr * ('a, 'b) expr
val stmt_expr = fn (a_, b_) =>
open Generic
fun stmt (t1_, expr_1_2, stmt_2_1, stmt_1_2) =
(C1' "Assign" (tuple2 (t1_, expr_1_2))
+` C1' "If" (tuple3 (expr_1_2, list stmt_2_1, list stmt_1_2)))
( fn If ? => INR ? | Assign ? => INL ?
, fn INR ? => If ? | INL ? => Assign ?
fun expr (t2_, stmt_1_1, expr_2_1, expr_1_2) =
(C1' "Stmt" stmt_1_1 +` C1' "Int" t2_
+` C1' "Bop" (tuple2 (expr_2_1, expr_1_2)))
( fn Bop ? => INR ? | Int ? => INL (INR ?) | Stmt ? => INL (INL ?)
, fn INR ? => Bop ? | INL (INR ?) => Int ? | INL (INL ?) => Stmt ?
val op*` = Tie.*`
val stmt & _ & _ & _ & expr & _ & _ & _ =
Tie.fix (Y *` Y *` Y *` Y *` Y *` Y *` Y *` Y)
(fn stmt_a_b & stmt_b_a & stmt_a_a & stmt_b_b & expr_a_b & expr_b_a &
expr_a_a & expr_b_b =>
stmt (a_, expr_a_b, stmt_b_a, stmt_a_b)
& stmt (b_, expr_b_a, stmt_a_b, stmt_b_a)
& stmt (a_, expr_a_a, stmt_a_a, stmt_a_a)
& stmt (b_, expr_b_b, stmt_b_b, stmt_b_b)
& expr (b_, stmt_a_a, expr_b_a, expr_a_b)
& expr (a_, stmt_b_b, expr_a_b, expr_b_a)
& expr (a_, stmt_a_a, expr_a_a, expr_a_a)
& expr (b_, stmt_b_b, expr_b_b, expr_b_b))
(stmt, expr)
val stmt = fn t => #1 (stmt_expr t)
val expr = fn t => #2 (stmt_expr t)
val sampleExpr = Stmt (If
(Bop (Int 0, Int 1), [Assign (0, Int 2)], [Assign (1, (Bop (Int 3, Int 4)))]))
val sampleStmt = Assign ("hello", Bop (Int "hello", Int 1))
val _ =
open Generic
print (show (expr (int, int)) sampleExpr ^ "\n");
print (show (stmt (string, int)) sampleStmt ^ "\n");
((show (list (expr (int, int))) (children (expr (int, int)) (Bop
(Bop (Int 1, Int 2), Bop (Int 3, Int 4))))) ^ "\n")
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