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Forked from infamousjoeg/CircularNestedGroups.ps1
Last active October 15, 2024 19:49
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Detect and report circular nested AD groups
Function Get-ADCircularGroups {
Find instances of circular nested groups.
A PowerShell script to find any instances of circular nested groups in the domain.
The program finds and reports on all groups involved in circular nesting.
A useful feature of Active Directory is that groups can be nested. However, it is
possible for the group nesting to be circular. For example, if group "Grade 1" is a
member of group "Students", and group "Students" is a member of "School", and group
"School" is a member of "Grade 1", the group nesting is circular.
This program efficiently finds all circular nested groups. It uses the
System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher class to retrieve all group names and their
direct memberships. The member attribute of the groups is a collection of the
Distinguished Names of all direct members, but does not reveal "primary" group membership.
The program evaluates each group to track down members that are groups. As soon as a
nested member is found that is identical to any parent group, the program has found an
instance of circular nesting.
The program does not report on how the groups are nested. For example, if the program
lists 5 groups, there are several ways the groups could be nested. There could be one
instance involving the 5 groups, or one instance involving 2 groups and another involving
3 groups. Given the group names you will need to track down how they are nested.
Name of the organizational unit where the script will look for nested groups. The OU
will be searched recursively. When the OU parameter is omitted, the entire domain will
be searched.
Find all circular groups in two different organizational units and show verbose messages.
Get-ADCircularGroups -OU 'OU=BEL,OU=EU,DC=contoso,DC=com', 'OU=DEU,OU=EU,DC=contoso,DC=com' -Verbose
Find all circular groups in the domain.
2017/06/28 Function born
2018/02/20 Added OU parameter, Get-Help, error handling and optimised code #>
Param (
Begin {
Function Get-NestedGroups ($Group, $Parents) {
Recursive function to enumerate group members of a group.
$GroupMembers is the hash table of all groups and their group members.
If any group member matches any of the parents, we have
detected an instance of circular nesting.
The group whose membership is being evaluated.
An array of all parent groups of $Group.
ForEach ($Member In $GroupMembers[$Group]) {
ForEach ($Parent In $Parents) {
If ($Member -eq $Parent) {
Write-Verbose "Found nested group '$Parent'"
Return $Parent
# Check all group members for group membership.
If ($GroupMembers.ContainsKey($Member)) {
# Add this member to array of parent groups.
# However, this is not a parent for siblings.
# Recursively call function to find nested groups.
$Temp = $Parents
Get-NestedGroups $Member ($Temp += $Member)
Function Get-AllGroupObjects {
$RunSearch = {
$Searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$Searcher.SearchRoot = $SearchRoot
$Searcher.PageSize = 200
$Searcher.SearchScope = 'subtree'
$Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add('distinguishedName') > $Null
$Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add('member') > $Null
$Searcher.Filter = '(objectCategory=group)'
if ($OU) {
ForEach ($O in $OU) {
Try {
Write-Verbose "Search for groups in the OU '$O'"
$SearchRoot = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://$O")
& $RunSearch
Catch {
throw "OU '$O' incorrect: $_"
else {
Write-Verbose "Search for groups in the entire '$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN)' domain"
$Domain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
$SearchRoot = $Domain.GetDirectoryEntry()
& $RunSearch
Process {
Try {
$AllGroups = Get-AllGroupObjects
Write-Verbose "Found a total of $(($AllGroups | Measure-Object).Count) groups"
$GroupMembers = @{}
Enumerate groups and populate Hash table. The key value will be
the Distinguished Name of the group. The item value will be an array
of the Distinguished Names of all members of the group that are groups.
The item value starts out as an empty array, since we don't know yet
which members are groups.
ForEach ($Group In $AllGroups) {
$DN = [String]$'distinguishedName')
$GroupMembers.Add($DN, @())
Enumerate the groups again to populate the item value arrays.
Now we can check each member to see if it is a group.
ForEach ($Group In $AllGroups) {
$DN = [String]$'distinguishedName')
$Members = @($'member'))
ForEach ($Member In $Members) {
If ($GroupMembers.ContainsKey($Member)) {
$GroupMembers[$DN] += $Member
$Groups = $GroupMembers.Keys
$NestedGroups = ForEach ($Group In $Groups) {
Get-NestedGroups $Group @($Group)
Write-Verbose "Found '$(($NestedGroups | Measure-Object).Count)' nested groups"
Catch {
throw "Failed retrieving circular group membership: $_"
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