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Last active April 6, 2019 07:45
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perl6 better repl
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use nqp;
module TREPL {
role Descriptive[Str $desc] {
has Str $.Desc = $desc;
role REPL {
method send-line(Str $) { * }
method send-all(Str $) { * }
class Commands is rw {
has Callable %!registered{Str};
method with-command(Str:D $line, &block) {
if $line ~~ /^^ \;(.+) $$/ and my @full-command = $0.Str.split: ' ' and @full-command[0] ~~ %!registered {
%!registered{@full-command[0]}(self, @full-command[1..*])
} else {
method register(Str:D $name, &callback where .signature.ACCEPTS: \(Commands, Array[Str])) {
%!registered{$name} = &callback;
method version {
sub infix:<~~~>($a, $b) { $a ~ "\n" ~ $b };
say 'trepl version 0.'
~~~ "running the language { $*PERL.gist } on { $*PERL.compiler.gist }"
~~~ 'type `;help` for help, or type `;quit` or `;exit` to leave.'
~~~ '';
method help {
say 'Commands:';
%! { say " ;{ .key } -- { .value.Desc }" };
class SingleFile {
has $.file is rw;
has Str $.name is rw;
has Str $.update-hash is rw = '';
sub really-cheap-hash(buf8 $data --> Str) {
constant $massive-prime = 29996224275833;
constant $out-len = 32;
my buf8 $out =$out-len);
for ($massive-prime <<%<< $data).List {
$out[$_ % $out-len] = $_;
$out.List.fmt('%03x', '')
method load(Str $filename, REPL $r is rw) {
$.name = $filename;
$.file = open $filename, :r orelse fail $_;
self.reload: $r
method unload { $.file.close }
method reload(REPL $r is rw) {
$ 0;
# the below method for checking if the file changed is kinda silly
# but we don't have a platform agnostic way to check modification date
# so, this works, thus we use it anyway.
given really-cheap-hash($ {
when $!update-hash {
# the file hasn't updated, do nothing
say "file $.name (hash { $_.comb[^8].join }...) not updated.";
default {
# the file updated, reload it into our environment
say "file $.name (hash { $_.comb[^8].join }...) updated. (re)loading...";
$!update-hash = $_;
$ 0;
try {
$ 0;
class FileWatch {
has REPL $.repl is rw is required;
has SingleFile %.files{Str};
method load(Str $filename) {
my $file =;
$file.load: $filename, $!repl orelse .say.return;
%.files{$filename} = $file;
"loaded $filename into the REPL".say;
method unload(Str $filename) {
with %.files{$filename}:delete {
say "unloading file $filename";
} else {
say "file $filename not loaded, cannot unload"
method reload {
say 'reloading all loaded files...';
say 'done reloading files.';
method loaded {
say 'currently loaded files:'; { say "file { .key } (hash { .value.update-hash.comb[^8].join })" };
class LineHistory {
has Str @!hist;
class PerlAsyncWrapper does REPL is DEPRECATED {
has Proc::Async $!perl;
has Commands $.cmds is rw;
submethod BUILD {
$!perl = :w, '/usr/bin/env', 'perl6', '--repl-mode=interactive';
# some oddness going on here: the minor repl seems to discard the
# first line that it is sent through the tap. so, we do some cheaty things
# to get around that: we send a blank line then the banner line
$!perl.stdout.lines.tap: sub (Str $out-line) {
#"DEBUG: $_".say;
# skip the first line that says "To exit type 'exit' or '^D'"
once { return }
given $out-line {
# if this is a line of input
when / ^ \> \h* $ / { self!handle-ready-for-input }
# if our input was echoed back
when / ^ \> (.+) $ / { }
default { "=> $out-line".say }
method begin(Commands $cmds --> Promise:D) {
$.cmds = $cmds;
say 'loading minor Perl6 interpreter, from /usr/bin/env perl6';
my $promise = $!perl.start;
await $!perl.ready;
self.send-line: "'minor Perl6 interpreter loaded.'.say";
return $promise;
method send-line(Str $line) {
# the minor interpreter does not respond to anything without a few trailing newlines.
# i don't want to ask why.
$!perl.say: "$line\n";
method !handle-ready-for-input {
start {
'trepl> '.print;
my Str $in = get;
$.cmds.with-command: $, {
self.send-line: $in;
class PerlNQPWrapper does REPL is rw {
has $!compiler = nqp::getcomp('perl6');
has $!save_ctx;
submethod merge-contexts(Mu \ctx1, Mu \ctx2) {
# unfortunately, we can't iterate through lexpads in normal perl6
# since we cannot create an nqp-level block. so, this is all useless.
# gratefully, setting :interactive(1) in eval seems to do the trick.
# so, disregard every further comment for anything but educational purposes.
# this is based off of SET_BLOCK_OUTER_CTX in nqp/Actions.nqp
# for some reason, setting outer_ctx isn't calling this function properly.
# so, we manually merge the contexts between each execution.
# we use $ctx1 as the "before" and $ctx2 as the "after",
# meaning we use the contents of $ctx2 in order to append to $ctx1
#my $pad2 := nqp::ctxlexpad(ctx2);
#unless nqp::isnull($pad2) {
# for nqp::hash(|$pad2) {
#my Str $name = ~$_;
#ctx1.bindlex($name, 0);
# .say;
# }
ctx1 := ctx2;
# $!compiler.eval calls $*CTXSAVE.ctxsave
method ctxsave(*@args --> Nil) {
$*MAIN_CTX := nqp::ctxcaller(nqp::ctx());
$*CTXSAVE := 0;
# used for sending blocks of code. these should be completed
# before they get sent to the repl. _this can bubble up an exception!_
method send-all(Str $code) {
$!save_ctx := nqp::ctx() if not nqp::defined($!save_ctx);
my $*CTXSAVE := self;
my $*MAIN_CTX := Nil;
$!compiler.eval($code, :outer_ctx($!save_ctx), :interactive(1));
if $*MAIN_CTX {
$!save_ctx := self.merge-contexts($!save_ctx, $*MAIN_CTX);
# used for sending single lines, with completion
method send-line(Str $code) {
$!save_ctx := nqp::ctx() if not nqp::defined($!save_ctx);
my $output;
my $*CTXSAVE := self;
my $*MAIN_CTX := Nil;
try {
$output := $!compiler.eval($code, :outer_ctx($!save_ctx), :interactive(1));
# these two can be thrown if more input is needed.
# in this case, we do something very odd and fishy:
# for some reason, they represent a truthy value of
# input-incomplete as an empty hash. this is probably
# going to change at some point, and seems really odd
# to me, so we go around that and just catch the errors
# ourselves. this seems to be more reliable anyway.
when X::Syntax::Missing | X::Comp::FailGoal {
$output := nqp::hash();
' >> '.print;
self.send-line($code ~ get);
default {
if $*MAIN_CTX {
$!save_ctx := self.merge-contexts($!save_ctx, $*MAIN_CTX);
say "==> { $output.gist }" with $output;
say "--> { $output.gist }" if $output ~~ Any:U;
our $history is export =;
our $perl =;
our $cmds =;
our $loaded-files = :repl($perl);
$cmds.register: 'help', -> $cs, @args { $ } but Descriptive["Print out this help menu."];
$cmds.register: 'exit', -> $cs, @args { die } but Descriptive["Close the REPL."];
$cmds.register: 'quit', -> $cs, @args { die } but Descriptive["Close the REPL."];
$cmds.register: 'load', -> $cs, @args { $loaded-files.load: @args[0] with @args[0] } but Descriptive["Load a file into the REPL."];
$cmds.register: 'reload', -> $cs, @args { $loaded-files.reload } but Descriptive["Reload whatever files are loaded."];
$cmds.register: 'loaded', -> $cs, @args { $loaded-files.loaded } but Descriptive["List the currently loaded files."];
$cmds.register: 'unload', -> $cs, @args { $loaded-files.unload: @args[0] with @args[0] } but Descriptive["Unload a file from the REPL."];
### RUNTIME ###
loop {
'trepl> '.print;
my Str $in = get;
die without $in;
TREPL::<$cmds>.with-command: $, {
TREPL::<$perl>.send-line: $in;
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