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Created October 31, 2017 11:44
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``` r
library(ggplot2) # data vis
library(dplyr) # data manipulation
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
library(readr) # data io
# set a theme for the plot
df <- read_csv("~/Downloads/dmwe.csv")
#> Parsed with column specification:
#> cols(
#> countrycode = col_character(),
#> SE_HS = col_character(),
#> gdppercap = col_character(),
#> general = col_character()
#> )
# some basic cleaning
df <- df %>%
SE_HS = as.numeric(SE_HS),
gdppercap = as.numeric(gdppercap),
general = as.numeric(general),
# compute the cut before the ggplot! easier debugging
cut_gdp = cut(gdppercap, c(-Inf, 15000, Inf)),
# a second, faster/easier approach: compute T/F if the value is smaller than 15k
cut_gdp2 = gdppercap <= 15000
# first plot
ggplot(df, aes(x = general, y = SE_HS, color = cut_gdp)) +
geom_point(size = 3) +
scale_color_manual(name = "gdppercap",
# notice the 1.5e+04 instead of 15000! you adressed the wrong factor-labels
values = c("(-Inf,1.5e+04]" = "black",
"(1.5e+04, Inf]" = "red"),
labels = c("<= 15000", "> 15000"))
#> Warning: Removed 14105 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
``` r
# a second plot without the missing values
df %>%
filter(! %>%
ggplot(aes(x = general, y = SE_HS, color = cut_gdp2)) +
geom_point(size = 3) +
scale_color_manual(name = "gdppercap",
values = c("TRUE" = "black",
"FALSE" = "red"),
labels = c("TRUE" = "<= 15000", "FALSE" = "> 15000"))
#> Warning: Removed 8725 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
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