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Created July 3, 2020 07:21
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add_class <- function(x, class) {
x$attribs <- append(x$attribs, list(class = class))
# # Alternatively, override the functions of shiny/shinydashboard
# menuItem <- function(text, tabName, ...) {
# r <- shinydashboard::menuItem(text, ...)
# add_class(r, tabName)
# }
# box <- function(..., class) {
# r <- shinydashboard::box(...)
# add_class(r, class)
# }
# plotOutput <- function(outputId, ...) {
# r <- shiny::plotOutput(outputId = outputId, ...)
# add_class(r, outputId)
# }
# actionButton <- function(inputId, ...) {
# r <- shiny::actionButton(inputId, ...)
# add_class(r, inputId)
# }
steps_general <- tibble::tribble(
~element, ~intro,
NA, "First Empty State",
".view_1", "First Item",
".view_2", "Second Item",
".btn_info", "This Help Button",
steps_view1 <- tibble::tribble(
~element, ~intro,
NA, "This is the header of view 1",
".first_box", "A First Box",
".plot1", "A First Plot",
".btn_view1", "This Help button",
steps_view2 <- tibble::tribble(
~element, ~intro,
NA, "This is the header of view 2",
".second_box", "A Second Box",
".plot2", "A Second Plot",
".btn_view2", "This help button",
ui <- dashboardPage(
menuItem("Menu 1", tabName = "view_1", icon = icon("sliders")) %>% add_class("view_1"),
menuItem("Menu 2", tabName = "view_2", icon = icon("chart-line")) %>% add_class("view_2"),
actionButton("btn_info", "Help", style = "background-color: #FF4444;") %>% add_class("btn_info")
tabItem(tabName = "view_1",
box(title = "A first Box",
sliderInput("num_points", "Number of Points", 100, 1000, step = 100, value = 100),
plotOutput("plot1") %>% add_class("plot1"),
actionButton("btn_view1", "Help this tab", style = "background-color: #FF4444;") %>% add_class("btn_view1")
) %>% add_class("first_box")
tabItem(tabName = "view_2",
box(title = "A Second Box", class = "second_box",
actionButton("btn", "Swap Color"),
plotOutput("plot2") %>% add_class("plot2"),
actionButton("btn_view2", "Help this tab", style = "background-color: #FF4444;") %>% add_class("btn_view2")
) %>% add_class("second_box")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
cols <- c("red", "green", "blue", "yellow")
col <- cols[input$btn %% length(cols) + 1]
plot(rnorm(10), rnorm(10), col = col)
observeEvent(input$btn_info, introjs(session, options = list(steps = steps_general)))
observeEvent(input$btn_view1, introjs(session, options = list(steps = steps_view1)))
observeEvent(input$btn_view2, introjs(session, options = list(steps = steps_view2)))
shinyApp(ui, server)
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