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Last active February 19, 2025 10:09
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Rabbit R1 Unofficial API Docs

The Rabbit R1 uses a few custom APIs to talk to The Cloud™. Almost nothing happens on-device, and all the AI magic happens on servers.

Consequently, you don't really need the physical device.

TLS Client Fingerprinting

In lieu of an authentication scheme, Rabbit's servers attempt to verify device authenticity by checking the TLS client's JA3 fingerprint, presumably enforced by AWS WAF.

If your TLS client doesn't match an expected fingerprint, you'll get HTTP 403 errors. This fingerprint works:


This is a common fingerprint for Android devices and is not exclusive to the R1.

I use utls to replicate this fingerprint like so (drop this into ja3proxy)

Account Activation

Visit in a web browser and set up an account. Follow the registration process, and you should end up with a QR code.

Decode the QR. I like to use zxing. You should get a URL that looks like:

The URL must first be modified to append a deviceId parameter, set to a 15 digit decimal number (it's supposed to be an IMEI, but you can use any value) (alternatively, generate a more realistic value with this)

Make an HTTP GET request to the modified URL, and on success you'll get a JSON response that looks like this:


Keep these values safe, particularly accountKey, you'll need them for later.

The account is now activated, and your browser session should have access to the "rabbithole", where you can let them skim your creds for 3rd party service integrations over VNC, and other such features.


The main API is a JSON-based RPC-like mechanism running over a websocket, at wss://

The API is clearly based on the GAMA NPC "Quantum Engine AI" integration thing, which you can find partial docs for here (paste it into, but this is more of a curiosity than useful documentation.

You'll need to set a couple of HTTP headers before it'll work, App-Version and OS-Version. Valid values for these fields change in each update, so I won't list them here, but maybe someone will be nice and leave currently-working values in the comments. (it sounds like OS-Version is the more important of the two, App-Version maybe doesn't matter)

Device-Health (UNTESTED)

In newer updates (v0.8.99+) a timestamp string in the format rabbit_OS_v0.8.99_20240606175556,YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm,xx (where mmm is milliseconds, xx is a random 2-digit even integer) is encrypted with the following RSA-3072 public key:


(nb: This key changed in v0.8.107)

in RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING mode (MGF1, SHA1). The resulting value is base64 encoded and stored in the Device-Health header. It's unclear how this measures the health of a device, but it's a feature nonetheless.

Example code

I haven't thoroughly tested this yet. At present, the API doesn't seem to mind whether Device-Health is correct, or specified at all.


To authenticate, send a JSON blob that looks like this:

	"global": {
		"initialize": {
			"deviceId": IMEI,
			"evaluate": false,
			"greet": true,
			"language": "en",
			"listening": true,
			"location": {
				"latitude": 0.0,
				"longitude": 0.0
			"mimeType": "wav",
			"timeZone": "GMT",
			"token": "rabbit-account-key+" + ACCOUNT_KEY,

deviceId is whatever you used during activation, and ACCOUNT_KEY is the value of accountKey from the activation response message. Use your imagination for the other fields (I haven't figured out precisely what "listening", "greet" or "evaluate" do yet).

This should be the first thing you send after initiating the websocket connection.

Send "Terminal" Text Input

Send a JSON message that looks like this

  "kernel": {
    "userText": {
      "text": INPUT

Receive "Terminal" Text Output

Text-based responses look like this:

{"kernel": {"assistantResponse": OUTPUT}}

Receive Voice Output

Example output:

  "kernel": {
    "assistantResponseDevice": {
      "text": {
        "chars":[" ","H","e","l","l","o",","," ","h","o","w"," ","c","a","n"," ","I"," ","a","s","s","i","s","t"," ","y","o","u"," ","t","o","d","a","y","?"],
      "audio": BASE64_WAV,
      "canned": false,

NOTE: The text field is actually a stringified JSON object, I'm showing it as plain JSON above for clarity.

I wonder what the canned field indicates?

Set Push-to-Talk State

Send a JSON message like this:

  "kernel": {
    "voiceActivity": {
      "imageBase64": "",
      "state": STATE

Where STATE is one of: inactive, pttButtonPressed, pttButtonReleased.

Streaming Voice Input

Set PTT state to pressed, then send 0.1 second chunks of uncompressed WAV as bytes directly down the websocket, then set PTT state to released. It looks like it uses 16kHz stereo, 16-bit samples.

Image Input (UNTESTED)

Send a base64-data-uri-encoded JPEG file, nominally 1080x720px at 100% quality (although other resolutions/qualities/formats presumably work too?) in a pttButtonReleased PTT message's imageBase64 field. (sent along with a voice input as described above)

  "kernel": {
    "voiceActivity": {
      "imageBase64": "",
      "state": "pttButtonReleased"
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Holy f*** this is amazing

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Pinball3D commented May 28, 2024

Hey, if you see this, how do i setup the proxy? Im on macos. I replaced the proxy.go file with the one you provided and ran make, then ./ja3proxy, and it says this: "2024/05/27 19:55:15 copy client to dest error: read tcp> use of closed network connection"

EDIT: Got it working, authenticated my "r1" now just need to get the wss working

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Proton0 commented Jun 1, 2024

@Pinball3D how did you manage to fix it? I am on MacOS and same issue

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@Pinball3D how did you manage to fix it? I am on MacOS and same issue

I’m not entirely sure how I fixed it to be honest. I think I might have rebuilt the executable or something. I will look when I am on my computer later.

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Does anyone managed to authenticate? I can't figure out how to send the JSON blob

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Wait, so you can make a python script on your computer and periodically throughout the day a different times prompt the rabbit to say something even if the rabbit is in a different area, assuming both devices are connected to the Internet?

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Is there a way to unlink factory reset delete account, so that you can proceed with the activation flow that you provided… alternatively is there a way to get that payload data post activation…eg carroot Terminal access?

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